Heart: Love, relationships, and self-acceptance.

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  4. Heart: Love, relationships, and self-acceptance.
06/07/2021 23:55
Affected organs: Heart, coronary arteries, lungs, breasts, Thymus gland. Emotional issues: Love, happiness, inner peace.
  • General Notes: It is essential to emphasize that traumas in this context are in the mirror of the beholder at the time of the event. Not all maps of chakras are the same, nor are their interpretations entirely uniform. 

Love has a strong charge of life energy and is critical for recovery from many diseases. It is no coincidence that heart disease is the leading cause of death. Love is vital to recovery from cancer, autoimmune diseases, and other complex conditions. Without love, it is very challenging to heal. Link: LOVE is the most potent elixir of life in nature.

Heart chakra: Green color.

  • Emotional issues: Love, happiness, inner peace.
  • Possible morbidity: Heart disease, coronary disease, COPD, cancer, and autoimmune diseases of all kinds are particularly affected by blockage in the heart chakra. The thymus gland, which is responsible for the maturation of T white blood cells, is carried out in the thymus gland.
  • Specific reference: The heart chakra, located right in the center, is critical in energy charging. It is essential to emphasize that recovery from severe illnesses, especially life-threatening ones, is particularly challenging without love and support.
  • Parallel meridian: There are two separate meridians, one for the lungs and one for the heart.

Blockages in several chakras are common at the same time.


The seven human Chakras (Energy Centers) and organs represent respective influential emotions. 

The seven human Chakras (Energy Centers) and organs represent respective influential emotions. (The emotional settings I brought are slightly broader.)


Link:  Yin Yang House Theory - Explore Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine. (Interactive meridian maps) 

The body meridians. ( Life-force energy flow channels)


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