• I understand your distress. You are a young man, and I am sure you will fully recover after learning to understand how your body works.
• Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease. The cause of the disease is a combination of obstruction of the life energy in the stimulus phase and inflammation, mainly in the skin.
• I recommend you take a few days to read the large sections of the site. It will help you understand the mode of action and philosophy of self-healing.
Mental-spiritual part.
• Like most autoimmune diseases, where energy stimulation remains "stuck" (in the 4-stage life model), beginning with the hidden -spiritual factor is desirable. (You probably do not link the traumatic events with the disease.) You can try (If you can afford hypnosis treatment (Authorized only); it is needed to resolve traumatic events from your past. (You do not have to forget what happened.)
Physical treatment.
• I'll give you a few more recommendations for action, but I strongly encourage you to read large sections of the website to understand the processes you should follow.
• Self-healing is ineffective when using any medication, and it is recommended to stop it completely.
• Stop taking any supplements.
A balanced diet.
• If there is bone marrow in India (you do not eat cows), it is recommended for your condition.
• recommend that you carefully read the article that discusses your diet. (The balanced diet) You need quality, utterly unprocessed food. (Avoid meals at restaurants) The basis for your food should be vegetables, fruits, roots, mushrooms, sprouts, and the like. (Preferably boiled in the first stage)
• You must regularly consume fermented natural products such as goat yogurt. (Probably not in India?) If you do not look for fermented soy products.
• Will sharply reduce consumption of meat and poultry products. If there are free eggs or organic eggs, you can eat an egg a day.
• Avoid white flour, potatoes, and Indian chapati; they are unsuitable for your condition. Eat carbohydrates like white rice or sweet potato cooked with a teaspoon of Ghee butter for greasing.
• If you can eat deep-water fish twice - up to 3 a week is excellent. If you do not eat, you may want to take a good fish oil supplement containing Omega 3 from a fish source.
Strengthen the liver and kidneys: (Liver & kidneys are connected)
• It is very desirable to drink natural squeezed juices 2-3 times a week, and at least 2 cups is desirable. (The principles are in the article on juices.)
• I highly recommend starting with coffee enemas; the relief of your immune system will be very significant. (It can be done at home, and the cost is not high.)
• Try the kidneys flush with parsley tea.
• Because of your condition, you will most likely avoid sun exposure to extraordinary healing properties. Cover the damaged parts and sunbathe the rest of the body to expose you to the direct sun at least twice a week. Vitamin D is essential in your condition, and no supplement is comparable to direct sunlight!
General recommendations.
• For symptomatic treatment, try a natural paste, including bentonite clay (very cheap), baking soda, and coconut oil. The creamy, greasy lotion absorbs toxins in huge quantities and helps you recover. The paste will be applied overnight and will cover the place well. (Very dirty)
• You've been a young man and sick for many years now; I do not doubt that the quality of your life has been severely damaged. It would help if you found hobbies and other things that make you happy. If you have a support group of psoriasis patients, you should join the group and purchase friends in your situation.
I wish you all the best and a full recovery.
You can contact me whenever you need me.
Samuel Harel
Link: Psoriasis – Natural Self-healing Skin and Immune Rehabilitation.
https://www.sf-healing.com/page/191 (Copy & Paste)
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A partial answer to a young depressed psoriasis patient.
06/02/2021 15:41
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