Discussion: I am a 44-year-old obese woman. My husband has been cheating on me for years, which is probably related to my appearance.

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I am a 44-year-old obese woman. My husband has been cheating on me for years, which is probably related to my appearance.

It is important to emphasize that weaning from food and eating addiction is possible. Although change requires extraordinary willpower and perseverance, personal empowerment is dramatic, not only because of the change in appearance.

Attractive looks have advantages, but cheating also exists in "thin and beautiful" couples. I encourage you to read the article about food and eating addiction. Your frustration is understandable and natural; the ability to change your life depends only on you. I recommend that you have a well-planned conversation with your husband in which you will try to understand if you can continue together. Sometimes, a "destructive" relationship only hurts the self-image and the chances of recovery.

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