Discussion: Why should young chronic food and eating addicts (under 30-35) place special emphasis on the mental side?

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Why should young chronic food and eating addicts (under 30-35) place special emphasis on the mental side?

Food and eating addictions often begin at a young age (childhood or adolescence). These ages are susceptible to mental vulnerability. The physiological system does not age uniformly (linearly). The immune system begins to weaken significantly between 45 and 50. Therefore, young addicts are usually due to unresolved mental traumas subconsciously stored. Significant overweight people (especially young) are not lazy with weak character; they often suffer from food and eating addiction.

The Subconscious is the bridge that connects the Mind to the Body, making it Spiritual.
https://www.sf-healing.com/page/139 (Copy & Paste)

Food-eating Addiction Weaning Methodology.
https://www.sf-healing.com/page/192 (Copy & Paste)

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