Those suffering from obesity must switch to a natural diet without industrialized and processed foods. Industrialized food not only fattens more (for the same amount of calories) but also disrupts the mechanism of hunger-satiety. The health damage of industrialized food is enormous!
The gastrointestinal tract is the primary non-sterile internal system, forcing the immune system to fight relentlessly to prevent pathogens from overgrowing.
An imbalance in gut flora affects the immune system, which fights relentlessly to prevent the overgrowth of pathogens. Our lifestyle and diet have a significant impact on our immune system. Poor nutrition of processed and industrialized foods significantly affects the liver and kidneys. Bile fluid tends to crystallize with a solid chemical base and clog the liver and gallbladder; thus, the problem only worsens. Bile flow is critical for maintaining proper gastrointestinal function. It is oily and lubricates the intestines; it also counteracts the high acidity of the food from the stomach, thereby preventing an acidic intestinal environment. Dietary fiber, natural oils/fats, and naturally fermented foods are critical to maintaining good health.
Common symptoms of intestinal flora imbalance: Gastrointestinal gases are usually the result of a territorial "war" between good and pathogenic bacteria—an impaired immune system results in higher fever, flu, and gastric ulcer morbidity.
The urine is usually more acidic at P.H. levels of 6 and below. The explanation is that parasites "thrive" in the acidic gut environment. An imbalance in gut flora impairs the brain's neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, expressed in decreased alertness and cognitive ability. The uncontrolled proliferation of gastrointestinal pathogens causes damage to the intestinal wall that impairs intestinal absorption. Constipation and abdominal obesity are common phenomena not always attributed to gut flora's lack of balance. The production of the neurotransmitter serotonin is mainly carried out in the intestines using good bacteria. An unbalanced intestinal flora reduces serotonin production and causes a decrease in alertness and mood.
Link: The holistic principle and balancing gut flora are essential. (Copy & Paste)
The next post: Why are recurrent fungal infections widespread in food and eating addicts? I've already tried everything without success!
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