The proliferation of diets is not essential and does not stem from health needs. Ambiguity about the best diet serves many bodies with interests that are contrary to those of consumers.
The food and beverage industry has no interest in funding research that could harm sales and profitability. The ambiguity on many issues mainly harms the general public, especially the weaker sections that consume industrialized and processed food.
It is essential to emphasize that for those who suffer from food and eating addiction, the diet must come together with the withdrawal process, which is mainly energetic. There is usually no success in dieting without withdrawal.
Is there a health necessity for such a large variety of diets? (Copy & Paste)
The balanced-varied diet is the most suitable anti-inflammatory diet. (Copy & Paste)
Why are there so many diets?
18/12/2020 21:11
The next post: Practical Tips that will Help You Optimize your Weight.
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