Discussion: I have been recommended a completely fat-free diet. The food is very bland!

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I have been recommended a completely fat-free diet. The food is very bland!

I want to emphasize that for food and eating addicts, the diet phase comes only at the end of the mental-energetic detoxification process, without which it is tough to lose weight. Avoiding natural oils and fats makes it difficult to lose weight! The digestive system needs regular lubrication. Natural oils activate the liver and gallbladder. There are essential oil-soluble vitamins that are vital for our health.

Natural oils and fats must be consumed in measured amounts to lose weight. Vitamins E, D, A, and K are soluble in fat and natural oils and are essential for proper metabolism and the immune system. Avoiding these is a mistake.

Vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids are essential for the immune system to prevent inflammatory processes. Absorption and regeneration of the gut wall tissue require emulsified foods containing natural oils and fats. The bile (produced in the liver) is a greasy, alkaline base fluid that contains cholesterol, and its function is, among other things, to neutralize the acidity that comes from the stomach. Fat is an energy reserve for distress and an integral part of many tissues (such as brain tissue, all cell membranes, and hormones). So, instead of synthesizing them, it's better to get them in natural foods and beverages.

Natural oils and fats are vital for maintaining a healthy body.
https://www.sf-healing.com/page/183 (Copy & Paste)

Why do many weight loss diets fail in the long run?
https://www.sf-healing.com/page/214 (Copy & Paste)

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