Discussion: Why are there so many diets?

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Why are there so many diets?

Is maintaining good health binding in so many categories of diets? (The answer is "No.")

Except for ethical or religious considerations such as a ban on consuming animal products, the main reasons for this disturbing phenomenon of diverse diets are the Enormous economic interests of all involved. A structured weakness of regulatory bodies is that they cannot give the public a clear, easy-to-understand picture of what suits their health. The labels used worldwide with the chemical names of the substances are a forced solution that seems to be a duty but not helpful information. The modern way of life and the lack of leisure push people to eat prepared and industrialized food—the absence of a unified philosophy of Medical and Nutrition science.

Link: Is there a health necessity for such a large variety of diets?
https://www.sf-healing.com/page/155 (Copy & Paste)
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