Nine different combinations (3x3) and another of asexual people. It is essential to emphasize that the personality-psychic layer of humans explains sexual behavior, while sexual identity and sexual orientation are magnetic-energetic properties.
Sexual identity - refers to the sex to which we feel emotionally-energetically connected; most often, it is our biological sex. Occasionally, there is a conflict between the biological sex (with which we are born) and the sex we feel connected to.
Sexual orientation -usually answers the question of which sex we are attracted to. (Opposite sex, same as ours, both sexes, or neither.)
Sexual behavior - How humans experience and express their sexuality. (Sexual behavior (Wikipedia)
Link: The Unified Energetic Model of Sexual Identities and Orientations. (Alixin's theory) (Copy & Paste)
The next post: I am a woman but probably non-binary. The judgmental attitude is insulting and hurtful.
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