Much of the information I provide on this blog is based on Adrian Dvir's book, X3 Healing, Beings, and Extraterrestrials, including my direct channeling with extraterrestrials.
The questions and answers summarize comprehensive topics I have covered in more detail in separate posts. Many questions still have no answers. Extraterrestrial civilizations incorporated in the Extraterrestrial Federation are concerned about the possibility of self-destruction at the hands of Earth's inhabitants! They initiate the encounter to help humankind.
Questions and answers about extraterrestrial civilizations
Are extraterrestrials made of organic materials?
Extraterrestrials are made of organic materials because they have a distinct advantage. As creatures made of organic materials, aliens need a physiological system and morphology reminiscent of humans, with very significant differences.
Does the morphology of extraterrestrials resemble that of humans?
Extraterrestrials have limbs, a large head, large eyes, ears, and bodies of wildly varying sizes (depending on the gravity of the star they come from). Some have a height of 4 meters! While some of them are very short. The physiology of extraterrestrials is adapted to their environment; therefore, their anatomy is entirely different from that of humans.
How do extraterrestrials reproduce?
Since extraterrestrials have diverse life forms, the answer is not uniform. Some extraterrestrial life forms, like those of humans, reproduce through genetic engineering and version upgrades.
There are life forms originating from the evolution of reptiles and insects in which the female lays eggs and the male fertilizes them. The offspring grow in a shared nest; just don't be confused, this is a very developed alien civilization.
Humans are probably among the few civilizations that reproduce through sexual intercourse. Therefore, we are also notably of interest.
How many extraterrestrial civilizations are there?
The Federation of Extraterrestrial Civilizations currently includes 55 civilizations (excluding Earth). However, it is estimated that there are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of extraterrestrial civilizations. It is worth emphasizing that since the universe is infinite, it is impossible to know exact numbers.
What is the role of the Council of the Alien Federation?
The Council of the Extraterrestrial Federation is a democratic body that manages and represents all its members. Its role is to ensure that conflicts do not arise between civilizations, promote research topics, and protect federation members.
This ancient body has excellent powers and employs inspectors to implement the Council's deliberations.
When the time comes, Earth will be asked to elect a member of the Federation Council because the elected representative must have high telepathic abilities and not be a politician! I presented my candidacy to the Federation, which has veto power over the elected representatives.
How technologically developed are extraterrestrials?
Extraterrestrials are on different scales above human technologies and scientific knowledge. The gaps cannot be translated into time terms as we know them.
How do extraterrestrials communicate among themselves?
Extraterrestrials have languages and writing, but they usually communicate through telepathy, a high-speed and efficient communication (for those who practice it). Telepathic communication is based on a physical principle called quantum entanglement. (Only with other insights)
How do extraterrestrials travel in the universe?
Extraterrestrials travel in spacecraft powered by nuclear fusion energy (like that found in the Sun) at speeds half a million times above the speed of light. The possibility of moving at speeds exceeding the speed of light exists in higher dimensions than the three dimensions to which we are accustomed. The communication of extraterrestrials is also carried out at the same speeds.
Do extraterrestrials have computers?
Extraterrestrials regularly use potent computers. We and many other technologies got the binary principle from them.
Examples of technology and extraterrestrial knowledge used by humans.
Acupuncture and astrology are knowledge obtained from extraterrestrials.
Viruses are the product of advanced extraterrestrial genetic engineering.
Human evolution is based on extraterrestrial intervention. Humans are hybrids of aliens genetically engineered by extraterrestrials.
The encounter with extraterrestrial civilizations is closer than ever.
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Questions and answers regarding extraterrestrial civilizations (Copy & Paste)
Questions and answers regarding extraterrestrial civilizations.
11/12/2022 4:20
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