Discussion: Extraterrestrial spacecraft can travel as fast as 500K, the speed of light.

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Extraterrestrial spacecraft can travel as fast as 500K, the speed of light.

According to the general theory of relativity, motion speeds above the speed of light are seemingly impossible. So, is there a contradiction here?

Much of the information I provide on this blog is based on Adrian Dvir's book, X3 Healing, Beings, and Extraterrestrials. Information corroborating my questions was provided through telepathic communication with extraterrestrials, some through a medium channel named Sigalit Levy.

I want to emphasize that the explanation I give is my interpretation of the explanations written in Adrian's Dvir book and explanations I received via channeling with extraterrestrials. I do not pretend to provide a physical explanation and have no way of proving anything. In any case, modern physics is not familiar with these phenomena, which emphasizes the vast scientific knowledge possessed by extraterrestrials.

Extraterrestrials emphasize that the light speed limit is correct, but only for our 3D dimension.
Extraterrestrials explain light's speed limit as friction between subatomic particles' vibrations, which causes deceleration. The strings' vibrations, which form the basis of the subatomic parts, vary according to their dimensions; therefore, the speed limits change.
Extraterrestrials have crystal technology, which can produce a counter-synchronization to that of subatomic energy particles, thereby partially eliminating the friction spring phenomenon, which limits the velocity in absolute space. (Interdimensional)
I must admit that I also often find the explanations challenging to understand. (Even though I have a significantly developed imagination.) At the same time, the explanations sound logically consistent to me!

How do extraterrestrials achieve speeds 500,000 times faster than light?
At speeds half a million times the speed of light, extraterrestrials travel about a light-year distance in one minute! (almost imaginary)
Aliens explain that the operation is carried out in two stages:

In the first stage, extraterrestrials create a spacetime curve and move space in a bubble around the spacecraft and its occupants to speeds approaching the speed of light. (The spaceship does not fly, but the space around it warps)
Aliens describe the exit into absolute interdimensional space (they call it absolute space) at a 90-degree angle. Movement at such speeds detaches the spacecraft's bubble from spacetime; it is located in a time-space that they describe in my communication as (interdimensional) space. In such a situation, navigation to real space is based on simulation. In practice, the spacecraft flies in an almost free fabric from the friction phenomenon that limits movement speed.
In the explanations I received for the questions, I understand that this is a virtual space, which is interdimensional. Within dimensions, it is impossible to fly at such speeds.
I must emphasize that the explanations are on a different level from known physics. You have to use a lot of imagination to understand what is being said.

Continue reading: Fascinating, unfamiliar facts about extraterrestrial civilizations.
https://www.sf-healing.com/blog/post/124 (Copy & Paste)

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