Discussion: Why don't alcohol addicts respond to persuasion?

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Why don't alcohol addicts respond to persuasion?

Alcoholics are not unreasonable people, nor are they self-destructive. In a state of addiction, the subconscious paralyzes reason in the drinking alcohol context; thus, persuasion is not a valuable tool for healing alcohol addiction.

Alcohol addiction is not a mental disorder or a mental illness; it expresses unresolved mental traumas that the subconscious mind cannot contain. When the traumas break out, they create anomalies in the form of addictions. (The high rate of the population suffering from addictions implies that it is not a disease or disorder.)

The reward mechanism of addictions is chemical and primarily an energetic tool for conserving the critical life-force energy needed for survival. Any addiction not only manifests itself in certain chemicals but also, mainly, as a psycho-energetic phenomenon. Releasing traumatic, non-resolved issues from the past that caused the addiction is far more complicated than detoxification from the addictive substances. Therefore, rehab from alcohol addiction should eliminate the primary factor that created the need for addiction. (That is, to open the respective life-force energy blockages.)

Link: Alcoholic Beverages Addiction Withdrawal Methodology.
https://www.sf-healing.com/page/196 (Copy & Paste)
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