Discussion: Why has obesity in young people become a common phenomenon worldwide?

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Why has obesity in young people become a common phenomenon worldwide?

I listed four main reasons for the phenomenon of youth obesity. The phenomenon is worldwide; even in China, where the phenomenon was rare, you can now see fat youth. (To a lesser extent than in the West)

1 Adolescence is a susceptible and vulnerable age. The age of sexual puberty affects self-esteem and self-image.
2 When every child has a weapon (mobile phone) in their pocket, boycotts and ostracism have become common. More sensitive and vulnerable teenagers are often easy targets.
3 The family unit has undergone significant changes due to a lack of stability and little free time to deal with the teenagers' problems.
4 Due to constraints, many homes have switched to processed and industrial food for quick preparation. Processed nutrition disrupts the hunger-satiety mechanisms.
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