Spicy food can kill pathogens in the digestive tract. Still, it irritates the intestinal walls, which are often inflamed, especially for those who eat processed and industrialized food, so it is not recommended in your situation. You can't lose weight by burning fat out of thin air! The caloric balance must be reversed to lose weight. (Eat fewer calories than you expend.) At the same time, it's worth emphasizing that not all calories are the same. (Maybe this was your friend's intention?) Natural, diverse foods, mainly from plants, which contain many dietary fibers, combined with natural oils and probiotic bacteria, preferably in goat or sheep yogurt, are recommended. It is advisable to emphasize that weight loss in addicts must begin with the mental-energetic dimension of detoxification. Otherwise, diets are ineffective.
Food-eating Addiction Weaning Methodology.
https://www.sf-healing.com/page/192 (Copy & Paste)
Calories cannot disappear but can be redirected as uncounted.
https://www.sf-healing.com/page/141 (Copy & Paste)
The next post: If you feel lonely, adopt a pet that is right for you. Fish in the aquarium also have a positive effect on life energy.
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