The idea of the Akashic library, where all cosmic knowledge is concentrated, including the life path of all human beings, is an idea that is perceived as strange at first moment. Immediately, many questions arise, such as where the physical library is. Who created it, and who manages it? How does the "universe" know what will happen to us in the future? There are many other unanswered questions. Of course, in modern connotations, the Akashic library can be compared to contemporary cloud computing, except that the cloud has servers (hardware).
In contrast, the Akashic library is only virtual. Surprisingly, geniuses like Einstein and Tesla claimed they gained knowledge from Akashic records. The Akashic records may also inspire Elon Musk. The idea of an Akashic library only strengthens the possibility that we live in a simulation, but without proof, it's all a crazy idea.
Link: Deterministic human simulation—Pinnacle of scientific achievements. (Copy & Paste)
The next post: Do only humans lie? (can animals lie?)
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