Logically, there is only one of the following two possibilities to predict the future accurately:
1 The future is in another dimension and projected in a hologram. Therefore, we can replay events that have already happened.
2 Another possibility is that we live in a simulation; the events we predict have not yet occurred, but they will appear with a high probability in the future.
Both options look straight out of science fiction movies. Both are examined very seriously, without clear conclusions.
The reasons that brought me to deal with the issue of predicting the future are related to my visions on the verge of death.
As a patient with liver cirrhosis, on the brink of death for many years, I had strange visions of sword fights, sitting on a horse, and fighting dressed in Chinese or Mongolian warrior clothes. Did I come to China by accident? I believe not!
I knew I would be fine and get well many years before I got sick! It doesn't sound extraordinary until you see the horror pictures in the gallery and realize that people in my situation would have died a long time ago!
I also have visions about the events in the current time sequence that have not yet happened, but I believe they will happen!
I can't predict the lottery numbers! (Pity) because I believe they are not part of my energetic route. However, my visions are directly related to me.
Link: Deterministic human simulation—Pinnacle of scientific achievements.
https://www.sf-healing.com/page/245 (Copy & Paste)
The next post: Autonomous driving technology already exists, so even a plane that flies autonomously is only a matter of time.
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