Extraterrestrials do not use radio waves because they are too slow, but they can read all the information from all the types of communication we know. They also regularly monitor all activities on Earth.
Telepathy is now considered an existing scientific fact. It turns out to be a phenomenon unrelated to the distance between the mediums. That is why scientists claim that radio waves that move at the speed of light allow extraterrestrials to communicate with each other and their parent star, millions of light-years away. However, radio waves that move at the speed of light are not a possible alternative. Radio waves, or any other known type of electromagnetic radiation, traveling at the speed of light are too slow for extraterrestrials.
Adrian Dvir's (Wikipedia) books (which describe communication with extraterrestrials) mention telepathic communication at different frequencies and the varying abilities of other extraterrestrial species. Transmissions at speeds hundreds of thousands of times greater than the speed of light are also mentioned, which do not contradict the laws of physics. According to the explanation, extraterrestrials regularly use the transition to other dimensions to propel spacecraft and communications. Because of the vast distances in the universe, extraterrestrials have mighty relay stations.
Fascinating, unfamiliar facts about extraterrestrial civilizations.
https://www.sf-healing.com/blog/post/124 (Copy & Paste)
Encounters with extraterrestrials will fundamentally change humanity.
https://www.sf-healing.com/blog/post/253 (Copy & Paste)
The next post: Is the explanation why women have a larger pineal gland than men related to their seemingly better intuitive ability?
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