An event that has hit you especially hard is the trigger for your current weight loss. It would be best to accept the need for change, especially for yourself and your health. I will try to give you some operational recommendations for the initial stage; I recommend you read the attached article. The mental dimension has a critical meaning.
Assuming you are addicted to food and eating? There is an initial need to treat the addiction itself. Otherwise, there is not much chance that you will succeed. The best way is to combine a support group with hypnosis Therapy (qualified only). It is also possible to use acupuncture.
It is essential to receive support, assistance, love, and warmth from family members, friends, and relatives. However, it is highly recommended that you avoid buying and keeping various prepared foods, soft drinks, alcoholic beverages, diet drinks, etc., at home.
It is advisable to go to a naturopath and put together a balanced diet (not low in calories) with all the nutrients, including carbohydrates. You must adopt proper eating habits during the day only. Eat only between 08:00 and 19:00. Moderate but regular exercise is essential. Moderate walking, especially after meals, is an available and recommended solution.
Link: Food-eating Addiction Weaning Methodology. (Copy & paste)
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