CFS patients usually have unbalanced gut flora, which manifests in acidic urine. (pH <5.5) It can be detected in simple urine tests.
The fatigue symptoms are not unique to CFS. There is no blood test or other unequivocal test that can diagnose CFS. Medicine treats CFS separately from fibromyalgia. CFS is essentially painless fibromyalgia! Fibromyalgia is an advanced stage of the same disease. Both CFS and Fibromyalgia are not adequately understood.
Fibromyalgia and Chronic Metabolic Fatigue. (Copy & Paste)
The holistic principle and balancing gut flora are essential. (Copy & Paste)
How to diagnose chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)?
17/07/2021 0:13
The next post: Is chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) a disease by itself?
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