Diabetes has become an epidemic in the modern world, and chronic diseases have become routine. Doctors are extremely busy, and it's no wonder they don't have attention. If, in one afternoon, a doctor receives 20-30 patients! There is no way he is administering the correct medicine. In private medicine, the situation is not significantly different. The only solution in sight is artificial intelligence.
In the modern age, information is available to everyone. However, sometimes, the materials are difficult for the average patient to understand, with the intention that the information will be available mainly to doctors. In the last decade, when almost everyone has a smartphone, medical information has been open to everyone, and many patients come to their doctor with (legitimate) questions. In different cultures, the doctor is perceived as knowing everything. Therefore, some doctors perceive the questions from the internet as a violation of their professional authority and are sometimes expressed in impatient statements. In my estimation, the scope of the phenomenon will only get worse. Excellent and confident doctors should not feel threatened but try to think of other thought directions while analyzing alternatives to those they know.
Link: Type 2 Diabetes – Natural immune system rehabilitation.
https://www.sf-healing.com/page/206 (Copy & Paste)
The next post: I suffer from chronic constipation and take paraffin oil regularly; a naturopath told me to stop.
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