Discussion: Are beef dairy products unhealthy?

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Are beef dairy products unhealthy?

More and more researchers are against eating dairy cow products, including cheese. The proteins in these products are too condensed and contain high levels of lactose sugar and proteins. A cow weighs about ten times that of an average woman! It is essential to emphasize that the quality of meat, milk, and dairy products depends largely on the quality of the animal's food and care.

Goat and Sheep dairy products are much better. Goat milk is the closest to human milk. (It has a unique flavor.) Their diet is usually better than that of cows. The proteins in these products are not too condensed like cow's milk. Sheep milk is delicious, fatty, and much healthier than cow's milk. Goat and sheep dairy products are expensive compared to cow's milk and dairy.

Link: The balanced-varied diet is the most suitable anti-inflammatory diet.
https://www.sf-healing.com/page/170 (Copy & Paste)
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