Discussion: Why does obesity usually outbreak in childhood and adolescence?

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Why does obesity usually outbreak in childhood and adolescence?

Childhood and adolescence are very vulnerable at the mental-energetic level, especially in the modern era, where everyone has powerful weapons like mobile phones. Boycotts, jealousy, and posting offensive photos worsen the situation.

In childhood and adolescence, the Mind is still unable to withstand mental traumas associated with experiences of rejection, abandonment, distance, jealousy, and so on. The ability of the Subconscious to perceive and store unresolved traumatic events is minimal. Outbreaks at these ages are often not in chronic morbidity but addictions!

Food-eating Addiction Weaning Methodology.
https://www.sf-healing.com/page/192 (Copy & Paste)

The Subconscious is the bridge that connects the Mind to the Body, making it Spiritual.
https://www.sf-healing.com/page/139 (Copy & Paste)

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