Discussion: A friend warmly recommended me frequencies music. Is it beneficial?

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A friend warmly recommended me frequencies music. Is it beneficial?

It is essential to emphasize that frequency music is an energy medicine technique that does not pretend to be a miracle cure. I recommend everyone to listen with their eyes closed in a quiet room while meditating on music at reputational frequencies.

Listening to music while lying down with eyes closed, preferably in a dark and quiet room, is recommended, preferably while meditating and using guided imagery. Frequencies are ineffective if they do not penetrate the subconscious. If you search YouTube, you can find several recommended frequencies, such as 432, 528, 741 Hz, and more. The sounds are very soothing and pleasing.

If you search YouTube or elsewhere, you will find a few beneficial frequencies: 432Hz and 528Hz. A very calm and pleasant video accompanies the music. The theory behind these frequencies is related to the obsession of one of the great geniuses of the 20th century, Nikola Tesla. The principles behind the method are energetic, with interesting mathematical reinforcements. I highly recommend self-healing music as a healing method, but usually not as an exclusive therapy.

Link: Energy Medicine is the future of advanced healthcare.
https://www.sf-healing.com/page/241 (Copy & Paste)
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