Discussion: Why do TV shows (reality) sometimes manage to bring about a sharp weight loss and a dramatic change in the lifestyle of the participants?

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Why do TV shows (reality) sometimes manage to bring about a sharp weight loss and a dramatic change in the lifestyle of the participants?

The participants do not work; they are detached from the environment and temptations and live for weeks in a strict regimen, something that does not exist outside of reality television.

Beyond proper eating habits and regular exercise, participants receive exceptional attention, Love, higher self-esteem, friendships, and forged romantic relationships. It can occasionally release energetic blockages that cause food and eating addiction in the first place! The real test is, of course, after a while, without the spotlight, after returning to the everyday routine. Many participants return to their previous weight, eating habits, and lifestyle. There is a relative minority that manages to break the cycle of addiction over the years.

Link: Food-eating Addiction Weaning Methodology.
https://www.sf-healing.com/page/192 (Copy & Paste)
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