The answer is not unequivocal; if we look at smokers (as an example) with similar addictive characteristics (at the energy level), the answer is both. (Smoking and Nicotine) Food addicts tend to eat prepared foods in large quantities. These foods contain vast amounts of trans fat and sugars. Over time, It has a robust depressant effect on the production of the neurotransmitter serotonin (produced in the gut). As a result, older obesity has a substantial cumulative impact on mood and alertness.
The addiction to eating and food is combined. However, it is probably not uniform throughout life. As a person grows older, the food itself becomes more "toxic," so the reward probably comes from the very act of eating. It is perhaps combined with eating and food components at young ages (where addiction usually begins).
Link: Food-eating Addiction Weaning Methodology. (Copy & Paste)
The next post: Obesity vs. Bulimia and Anorexia.
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