Discussion: It is advisable for those who plan to undergo gastric bypass surgery to be prepared for the mental changes caused by the lack of satisfaction due to the inability to eat!

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It is advisable for those who plan to undergo gastric bypass surgery to be prepared for the mental changes caused by the lack of satisfaction due to the inability to eat!

It is essential to emphasize that gastric shortening surgery does not produce withdrawal from food addiction and eating. It is a forced solution without the mental-energetic dimension critical to withdrawal.

Stomach shortening surgery leads to sharp weight loss and a dramatic change in appearance (which is sometimes challenging to maintain for a long time). At the same time, it is critical to strengthen the mental-spiritual dimension. Many who have undergone the surgery report impairment in the joy of life. Food addicts who are obese and destined for gastric bypass surgery are usually sent to a pre-surgery preparation workshop. It is essential to know that surgery creates an energy blockage by abruptly stopping the ability to eat, at least for a while. The danger is that the action brings depression and adverse physical reactions. In practice, this is a kind of detox by force! It is especially essential to treat the mental aspects that are often subconscious. (Psychology is usually unable to penetrate the subconscious mind)

Link: Food-eating Addiction Weaning Methodology.
https://www.sf-healing.com/page/192 (Copy & Paste)

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