It is essential to emphasize that gastric shortening surgery does not produce withdrawal from food addiction and eating. It is a forced solution without the mental-energetic dimension critical to withdrawal.
Stomach shortening surgery leads to sharp weight loss and a dramatic change in appearance (which is sometimes challenging to maintain for a long time). At the same time, it is critical to strengthen the mental-spiritual dimension. Many who have undergone the surgery report impairment in the joy of life. Food addicts who are obese and destined for gastric bypass surgery are usually sent to a pre-surgery preparation workshop. It is essential to know that surgery creates an energy blockage by abruptly stopping the ability to eat, at least for a while. The danger is that the action brings depression and adverse physical reactions. In practice, this is a kind of detox by force! It is especially essential to treat the mental aspects that are often subconscious. (Psychology is usually unable to penetrate the subconscious mind)
Link: Food-eating Addiction Weaning Methodology. (Copy & Paste)
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