Although the blog covers various topics on extraterrestrial matters, countless questions remain unanswered. I bring readers' questions and answers in this post, especially those I did not answer in the various posts. The picture that emerges from reading all the materials about extraterrestrials differs from the image created by the public, fed mainly by movies and very unflattering information that portrays extraterrestrials as intruders and violent kidnappers.
The deep space in our relative proximity is dominated by the Extraterrestrial Federation, a body with a scale of values similar to that of humans. (Given by then.) I channel with the Federation PBX. At the same time, delegations of other civilizations that conflict with the Federation visit Earth, with all that this entails.
Introduction to extraterrestrial issues.
The number of inquiries I receive has exceeded all expectations, and I find myself adding and updating new topics that have been asked about almost daily. The growing interest in extraterrestrial issues and the lack of reliable information produce much false information online.
- The sheer volume of inquiries I receive, with many questions about extraterrestrials, made me realize that the subject is fascinating for a growing number of people.
- The subject of extraterrestrials and religions has become very popular, and with it, many justified concerns. I reiterate that the discussion is not theological and does not purport to interpret religions. The writer respects members of all religions and faiths and explains the perception of extraterrestrials towards religions.
- I wish to emphasize that, unlike humans, who are a uniform species (homo-sapiens), extraterrestrials have various species that differ significantly. Therefore, the answers relate to a broad common denominator. The questions and answers appear in the order in which they are received.
Recently, extraterrestrials mentioned that the first documented encounter with extraterrestrials will occur in 2026.
- The answers are short and are always anonymous. I update this post from time to time when intriguing questions accumulate. Reading additional materials in the entire blog is often necessary for a more complete picture. Complementary information about extraterrestrials, concise in points only and with the same headlines, can be found at the following link: Summary of known facts regarding extraterrestrial civilizations.
Aliens vs. Extraterrestrials in writing.
Most people use both words as if they were synonyms. However, besides the linguistic differences, there are connotation and energetic differences.
- The word "Alien" conveys alienation, distance, and negative image, so I refrain from using it. Extraterrestrials have made it clear (in the channel) that they are not offended by this term, but it creates a negative energy and unjustified image of them, which is critical at these stages. The word extraterrestrial is neutral and has no negative connotations or energies.
The word extraterrestrial is a 16-character, while "alien" has only 5 characters. However, extraterrestrials have clarified that the length of words does not affect nature's harmonies. Search engines sometimes prefer headlines primarily, short names, but they have not yet reached energetic insights.
The Q&A is divided into 8 subcategories.
Note: Although I answered briefly, I exceeded 5000 words, which may make it difficult to read. For the convenience of the readers, I prefer to update the relevant posts.
- General information regarding Extraterrestrials.
- Interfaces of extraterrestrial civilizations and human encounters.
- Extraterrestrials understand and respect the human need for religion and belief. (New, May 2024)
- Morphology and features of extraterrestrials compared to humans.
- Personal inquiries regarding interfaces with extraterrestrials.
- Extraterrestrial lifestyle and nutrition.
- How technologically developed are extraterrestrials?
- Extraterrestrials must have accelerated human evolution.
Do not hesitate to contact me with questions. This subject is fascinating and critical for humanity.
1 General information regarding Extraterrestrials.
How powerful is the extraterrestrial Federation vs. humans?
Link: Index for technology level of space-traveling extraterrestrial civilizations.
- The Federation consists of 55 allied civilizations. Its member civilizations are all scientifically and technologically advanced, while humans are not on a close scale of scientific and technological development.
How large is the extraterrestrial population in the entire cosmos?
Link: How many extraterrestrial civilizations exist in the universe?
- The question seems simple, but the mathematical-logical limitation must be understood. There are hundreds to thousands of extraterrestrial civilizations known to the Federation. In an infinite universe, there is no way to know the number of civilizations with certainty, so there is also no way to name numbers. (Frank Drake's familiar equations at the time did not assume an infinite universe.)
Why are there such significant gaps in the dimensions of extraterrestrials? (ranging from half a meter to about 4 meters)
- The explanation is that low gravity on the home planet produces tall extraterrestrials, while low gravity will produce solid, low-stature extraterrestrials.
I recently learned (through channeling) that there are experimental colonies of mammalian extraterrestrials that breed sexually.
- These are experimental colonies of extraterrestrials created using genetic engineering based on the knowledge accumulated by humans. Because of genetic variation, these extraterrestrials cannot reproduce with humans. The fact that mammalian extraterrestrials have been created may create situations in the next millennia that only imagination can predict.
Do extraterrestrials have genitals?
- Most extraterrestrials do not have genitals. Some extraterrestrial species have a distinction between males and females, so they have reproductive organs that are not used for sex. There is a small (experimental) group of mammalian extraterrestrials. They have genitals reminiscent of human ones.
Do extraterrestrials have auxiliary equipment (smartphone style)?
- Extraterrestrials don't need a phone because they communicate telepathically. The extraterrestrials have auxiliary equipment, which connects to remote relay stations, performs complex calculations, and displays holograms in 3D. (a combination of all together)
Do extraterrestrials carry personal weapons?
- Although extraterrestrials don't carry personal weapons, their psychic abilities surpass those of any science fiction movie and aren't worth trying.
Do extraterrestrials from distant galaxies, which are not members of the Federation, visit Earth?
- Non-federation extraterrestrials visit Earth and provide advanced technologies, some of which can also used for military purposes.
Do extraterrestrials fight among themselves?
- Conflicts between extraterrestrials have been recorded in the past. The establishment of the extraterrestrial Federation was intended to prevent war between civilizations. There are competing civilizations (not necessarily violent), and the Federation will not allow these civilizations to harm the Earth.
Doesn't extraterrestrial conflict over control of Earth contradict the statement that extraterrestrials have no ego?
- I often get the answer in the channel: extraterrestrials have no ego. However, as already mentioned, many species of extraterrestrials are very different. Interests have egos, but conflicts are not just a matter of individual ego but of a group!
Do the planets from which extraterrestrials live have flora and fauna?
- Without flora and fauna, extraterrestrials cannot survive. Flora and fauna are adapted to the specific living environment of each planet and are different from Earth's, but they are all based on the familiar genetic code - DNA.
Do extraterrestrials enslave other species?
- It should be emphasized that the universe is infinite and has existed for many years. Wars between extraterrestrials have occurred and will occur in the future. The concept of enslaving other species does not exist. Rape in extraterrestrials does not exist because they are different species.
Are extraterrestrials inherently violent?
- In general, extraterrestrials are no more violent than humans. At the same time, in their psychic abilities, it is enough that they react with limited action, and the result will be horrifying. It is essential to emphasize that the concept of violence is not absolute.
I read Adrian Dvir's book about "creatures of light" and wanted to know if they have immortality and how they reproduce.
- Answer through channeling: "Light creatures" are not virtual beings, as you mentioned; they are extraterrestrials not composed of mass but pure energy in another dimension. Energy creatures live thousands of years (in human terms) and sometimes longer; they are not immortal because energy gradually weakens and decays. For reproduction, energy creatures return to their physical bodies with mass for a transitional period. As mentioned, reproduction is asexual.
Do extraterrestrials travel for pleasure in other civilizations of the Federation?
- Extraterrestrials are curious and visit civilizations near and far out of curiosity to deepen and learn new subjects. Extraterrestrials in the Federation also visit places considered extremely remote.
How can we identify the extraterrestrial civilizations incorporated in the Intergalactic Federation versus those that are not? (to which negative traits are attributed)
- The answer was "no picture, " meaning they didn't want to answer my question. (Information confidential)
Do the 55 civilizations currently in the Federation have separate governments? Don't those civilizations that are federation members also have an opposition?
- Each of the member civilizations of the Federation has separate governing bodies from those of the Federation. Opposition and rebellions have existed throughout history, but they are not common. As mentioned, extraterrestrials have a group ego but less an individual ego. (Indeed, a bit reminiscent of science fiction movies)
Are there extraterrestrials in the form of humans?
- A group of shape-shifting extraterrestrials can assume a completely human figure to whom extraterrestrial qualities cannot be attributed. The explanation is fascinating but a little complex. Extraterrestrials do not kidnap and devour human souls!
Do extraterrestrials have a pain-sensing mechanism?
- Extraterrestrials feel physical pain. It is an essential defense mechanism of any advanced life form.
2 Interfaces of extraterrestrial civilizations and human encounters.
What scares me the most about interacting with extraterrestrials?
- The Federation Council attributes severe natural disasters and wars, including world wars, to "eliminating evil, evil and lies." At the same time, I fear that this is only a temporary solution at the cost of millions of dead, wounded, and untold human suffering.
- I beg time and time again to prevent wars and natural disasters! It is an ineffective drug. I always repeat that the message be conveyed to the Federation Council.
Why was 2026 chosen for the historic encounter with extraterrestrials?
- The year 2026, for the first documented historical encounter, was chosen very carefully after many years of studying humanity in all its aspects. (All-inclusive!)
Can extraterrestrials read and understand human digital communications?
- Extraterrestrials systematically monitor everything happening on Earth. The monitoring is carried out in different teams, each with various specializations. The data are transferred to the extraterrestrial switchboard for further integration and processing. All digital communication, including everything encrypted, is exposed to extraterrestrials. At the same time, they do not intervene.
Are secret government organizations among the blog readers?
- Yes, secret officials are among the blog's readers. (Reply in channeling)
Are extraterrestrials involved in humans' daily lives?
- Extraterrestrials study, track, and conduct in-depth research on humans but do not interfere with people's daily lives.
Why don't extraterrestrials prevent wars on Earth?
- Extraterrestrials are deterred from intervening on Earth, except for the event of humanity's self-destruction by nuclear weapons or other powerful weapons.
Are governments aware of extraterrestrial experiments on humans?
- Extraterrestrials have been conducting research on humans since the dawn of creation. With tacit consent, it was agreed that the research would continue. (Extraterrestrials do not intentionally harm humans)
Can anyone communicate by channeling with extraterrestrials?
- Telepathic abilities vary in many people, and they usually diminish with age. Extraterrestrials decide with whom to communicate; a unique telepathic component is required, implanted through the nostrils without pain. (sometimes unexplained nosebleeds)
How many people in the world can channel with extraterrestrials?
- The answer was that other people besides me (besides Mrs. Sigalit Levy) channel with extraterrestrials regularly, but their number is not as high. (I was not given a numerical value, but I believe there are a few thousand)
Can extraterrestrials communicate in all languages?
- Language is the result of sounds, a combination of different frequencies. Although extraterrestrials require learning human languages, all languages can be communicated via channeling.
Do all people with telepathic ability have an implanted component in their brains?
- Humans have innate telepathic abilities to varying degrees. This feature can be studied and improved and does not require an implant in the pineal gland.
Can "extraterrestrial" spirits reincarnate in humans?
- Humans and extraterrestrials can reincarnate into bodies that do not belong to their original species. Adrian Dvir's book provides various descriptions. It is essential to emphasize that the subject of reincarnation is physically bound but shrouded in ambiguity about how it is done.
Is there an extraterrestrial police force similar to the movie Men in Black?
- There is a secret body with a global interface with supreme security clearance to prevent the leakage of sensitive information about extraterrestrials. Gradually, involvement in the issue declined. The film is based on truth but with much imagination and a sense of humor.
Shouldn't all reports of people abducted by extraterrestrials pose a threat?
Link: Do extraterrestrials abduct humans?
- The various reports of abductions by extraterrestrials are mostly credible but must be viewed from a broad perspective. Extraterrestrials have been visiting Earth since the dawn of creation. Humans are the product of extraterrestrial genetic engineering. Research on humans by extraterrestrials will be carried out by coordination and voluntary only.
Why aren't humans a military adversary to extraterrestrials?
- Extraterrestrials are intellectually, psychically, scientifically, and technologically advanced on entire scales from humans.
Why has the rate of publications about extraterrestrials increased dramatically in recent years?
- Humanity is in the second stage (out of 4) towards an encounter with extraterrestrials, and the superpowers are interested in preparing (covertly) public opinion for the existence of extraterrestrials.
Is the "Princess of Tisul" found (in the Siberian region) an extraterrestrial?
- Princess Tisul is an extraterrestrial mummified found in the 1970s. Its appearance was human and dated to 800 million years. The human-looking extraterrestrial was hermaphrodite (androgynous) and was buried in an earthquake before teleporting back to the planet she came from.
Do extraterrestrials help politicians get elected?
- While extraterrestrials help protect individual leaders from remotely operated technologies in various ways, they are not involved in electing state leaders.
Is there a danger that extraterrestrials who are not members of the Federation will wage an intergalactic war for control of Earth and its inhabitants?
- It is a serious question that has a foothold in reality because extraterrestrials who are not members of the Federation visit Earth and contact interested parties. I am under the impression (information that is challenging to establish) that those elements would not dare start an open battle against the Federation, which consists of 55 highly developed and powerful civilizations. At the same time, hidden struggles do exist and will probably continue.
Is the claim that humanity is on a preparatory journey toward an encounter with extraterrestrials based?
- The number of publications by research institutes has increased dramatically. Governments stopped denying the existence of extraterrestrials, and the subject became popular science. It is not by chance! Rather, it is a well-planned and timed global campaign designed to prepare the encounter and reassure the public.
Will the encounter with extraterrestrials create a global state?
- An international cooperation project will be established to prepare for the first documented historical encounter with extraterrestrials. At the same time, the state of Earth is not expected until the 23rd century, after catastrophic events threaten the entire human race.
Will it be necessary to establish commissions of inquiry into the concealment of information about extraterrestrials?
- Such committees will serve mainly politicians and not humanity. Exposing the truth a few decades ago would have brought disasters to humanity because the public was unwilling to accept such a complex and charged subject.
Is it possible to request a postponement of the historical encounter with extraterrestrials?
- The historic encounter with extraterrestrials is planned for 2026, mainly out of concern for humanity's future, which could destroy itself. The date was chosen very carefully. If the Federation Council decides that humanity is not ready for the meeting, it will postpone it on its initiative.
What will happen to the global economy following an encounter with extraterrestrials?
- The world is expected to experience an accelerated economic boom after a depression caused by catastrophic natural events. At the same time, new technologies will cause significant geopolitical changes.
Have women been abducted and raped by extraterrestrials?
- Extraterrestrials do not reproduce sexually and cannot rape! Women were indeed taken to extraterrestrial spacecraft for experimental purposes and harmless research. Children born to them afterward were completely human, sometimes due to genetic engineering.
How do extraterrestrials monitor what is happening on Earth in so many areas?
- Adrian Dvir's book provides detailed descriptions. Thousands of groups of researchers conduct parallel research in different fields. Earth is considered a very interesting, special, and fascinating place, and many researchers visit it in coordination with the extraterrestrial Federation.
Why do various prophets insist that World War III is closer than ever?
- Extraterrestrials emphasize that our world is out of energy balance, and in this situation, the risk of outbreaks of wars and natural disasters increases dramatically. The fear is real and rational. At the same time, one should not refer to the dates specified in the prophecies.
Can extraterrestrials crack the encryption of military communications systems?
- I must emphasize that I don't answer questions about military issues in principle, but I saw fit to clarify the subject. Extraterrestrials are capable of deciphering encrypted communications, including military communications. However, their sole purpose in this regard is to prevent deterioration into nuclear wars capable of destroying Earth and its inhabitants.
"I believe in the existence of extraterrestrials, but I would be happy if the historical encounter would be postponed by another decade or two."
- After careful consideration, the Federation Council determined the meeting date; therefore, it will decide whether the circumstances require postponement. A dominant element in the considerations is that humanity is on the verge of self-destruction.
Would the so-called "prophets" like Michel de Nostradamus channel telepathically with extraterrestrials?
- Prophets throughout history have received information through communication with the Akashic library and connection to the extraterrestrial switchboard. After some time, Michel de Nostradamus, the famous French astrologer, was connected (via brain implants). Still, these abilities were deprived of time, which did not prevent him from continuing to write. Nostradamus's writings require interpretation and cannot be attributed with much accuracy.
Why is there a problem with channeling to set precise schedules?
- Time is not an axis, as we are accustomed to feeling it, from the past to the future; it is a spiral. The explanations I receive are complex, so I will try simplifying them.
- Although extraterrestrials can travel through our time (past and future), they explain that there are no times in the universe! The future, present, and past are in constant synchronization and are not completely fixed, so there are no prophecies of day and hour but mainly about critical processes.
"I would be happy if you would expand on the impact of extraterrestrial technology on geopolitics on Earth."
I gave only one example, which concerns the oil and oil products sector, a very profitable and huge economic field that concentrates revenues of about $4 trillion a year.
- If extraterrestrial computing technologies can be applied, competition between the superpowers in the semiconductor industry could escalate. Alongside the enormous innovation, there are many risks, mainly due to the unjust distribution of technologies originating from extraterrestrials. I prefer not to go into industry analysis and certainly not mention the names of countries.
Does the Federation have previous experience of joining new civilizations?
- The Federation has extensive experience incorporating new civilizations. The main risks are the destabilization of the social order and the fear that religions and beliefs will weaken their status. Therefore, extraterrestrials emphasize prior preparation and clarify that they have no intention of undermining faith in religions.
"I am a decorated officer with a combat past in Afghanistan and Iraq, and I notice that extraterrestrials do not appreciate military personnel!"
- Extraterrestrials value all humans as a race with great potential. No military man, nor others, has any real experience with extraterrestrials. Therefore, it is essential not to rant and think there is room for a strategy and tactic of human warfare against extraterrestrials.
Did Nikola Tesla (the greatest inventor of recent times) communicate with extraterrestrials?
- Nikola Tesla communicated with extraterrestrials and had a phenomenal ability to translate complex charts practically. Nikola Tesla was considered mentally unstable and was obsessed with 3-6-9. His ideas were extremely far-reaching! (They are also the ones who led to his murder)
Are extraterrestrials interested in reducing Earth's population?
- Extraterrestrials do not interfere with everyday life on Earth. Circles (well-known) that advocate a sharp reduction of the population, including unethical methods, exist and even publish if their opinions are public.
Are extraterrestrials socialists and communists who want to make us their image?
- Extraterrestrials do have an equitable distribution of resources. They should not be looked at in human social theories. Extraterrestrials have no personal ego and are born with a defined purpose and role. (They don't need to compete with each other)
3 Extraterrestrials understand and respect the human need for religion and belief.
It is essential to emphasize that extraterrestrials view religions as a critical factor in the success of humanity's historic encounter with extraterrestrials. Extraterrestrials understand humans' need for religion and faith.
Do extraterrestrials have religions?
- Extraterrestrials have no religion, and they are not pagans. They understand and respect the human need for faith and religion as a stabilizing factor.
Do extraterrestrials believe in reincarnation?
- Extraterrestrials explain that reincarnation is a physical-energetic principle that must happen. Just as stars are born and die, so are humans and extraterrestrials!
Do extraterrestrials believe in heaven and hell?
- Extraterrestrials do not use religious terminology. At the same time, souls who return to the primal Light experience endless love and happiness that can be seen as a kind of paradise. Souls who have committed serious crimes remain imprisoned and do not return to reincarnation. A situation that can be illustrated as hell.
Do extraterrestrials claim that the universe is run by simulation?
- Extraterrestrials explain that powerful, metaphysical abstract forces rule the entire universe.
Do extraterrestrials know all the secrets of the universe?
- Extraterrestrials have vast scientific and technological knowledge, but this knowledge does not fully solve the riddle of creation. (Who created the first extraterrestrial?)
I was asked if I define myself as a believer.
- I am a member of the Jewish religion. Although I am not observant, I believe in universal moral values, including integrity, decency, compassion, love, and helping others. Like the Jewish religion, I see God as an abstract concept that does not require interpretation or proof.
Will all religions survive encounters with extraterrestrials?
- Although extraterrestrials of different races do not have religion, they understand the human need for faith, which helps in times of crisis.
The major religions will experience a serious crisis but will survive. Religions will change several narratives, but belief in divine power will be preserved. Religions have deep political, economic, and faith power.
I am a devout Christian, and it is difficult for me to accept the existence of extraterrestrials as fact!
- Extraterrestrials understand the human need for religion and belief and do not try to persuade anyone to abandon their faith. I suggest you see extraterrestrials as creatures of God. The existence of extraterrestrials is undeniable!
What is the extraterrestrial explanation for the prohibition of suicides?
- Extraterrestrials do not commit suicide because they do not suffer from depression and personal crises. They explain that suicide brings the suicidal person back to complete the incomplete incarnation. Therefore, suicide is a bad option! (An element that exists in some religions)
4 Morphology and features of extraterrestrials compared to humans.
Could the existence of mammalian extraterrestrials create hybrids in sexual reproduction?
- I recently learned (through channeling) that extraterrestrials have created experimental colonies of mammalian extraterrestrials based on the knowledge accumulated in humans. These are very small scopes at this stage and are still defined as experimental. These mammalian extraterrestrials cannot reproduce with humans; their genetics are significantly different. At the same time, the possibility of hybrids in the next millennia was not ruled out.
Are extraterrestrials sighted and invisible?
- Extraterrestrials can move to other dimensions through a considerable energy investment. In different dimensions, they are invisible to us. These are science and technologies that are not yet known to humanity.
Do extraterrestrials experience feelings of love and hate?
- Although extraterrestrials have no human emotions, they can interpret the energetic translation of love, jealousy, hatred, and revenge better than we do, and they have highly developed psychic properties.
Do extraterrestrials urinate and feces?
- Since extraterrestrials eat organic food, they must remove waste from their bodies. The anatomy and physiology of extraterrestrials is entirely different. It's slower and more efficient. Extraterrestrials do not urinate but remove solid waste mixed with water-soluble products from their bodies. (substitute for urination)
Do extraterrestrials have body and head hair?
- Most Extraterrestrial species have no hair at all. However, there are extraterrestrials with a human appearance who have human-like fibers on their heads.
Do extraterrestrials think humans are ugly?
- Extraterrestrials have been studying humanity since the dawn of creation. They are accustomed to human appearance, in stark contrast to humans not accustomed to extraterrestrial appearances, especially non-human ones.
Do extraterrestrials dress and perfume nicely for their partner?
- Most extraterrestrials breed asexually and have no mates. There are extraterrestrial species with a distinction between males and females, but no courtship process requires clothing, perfume, or sexual attraction.
Do extraterrestrials have an advantage in asexual reproduction over mammals and humans?
- It is a vast subject that extraterrestrials have been studying for thousands of years, and the answer is mainly related to the living environment. Mammals have a deeper familial and socio-tribal relationship that is a competitive advantage in a hostile environment with limited resources. At the same time, it is an energy-wasting way of life that does not allow for a long lifespan and is not adapted to the living environment of highly developed extraterrestrials.
Is it true that extraterrestrials have an IQ of over 1000?
- Extraterrestrials' abilities exceed those of humans in many aspects. However, IQ tests are not designed for them. It is worth noting that extraterrestrials have a very long life expectancy and invest most of their time and abilities in studying. They are highly developed in their abilities to receive telepathic messages and activate energies remotely through the subconscious.
Is the human brain similar to that of extraterrestrials?
- The human brain has been upgraded through genetic engineering over many generations. However, it has many unused functions, especially in the subconscious realm. Although the human brain is modeled on extraterrestrials, it is not morphologically identical to that of extraterrestrials or in capabilities.
Do extraterrestrials have a blood-like fluid?
- The anatomy and physiology of extraterrestrials are completely different from those of humans. They have integrated urinary, digestive, and energy production systems. Body fluids are essential, as water is nature's best solvent. Extraterrestrials have a blood-like liquid, usually light pink-purple, with properties different from those of humans.
Can extraterrestrials lie? (Very popular question)
- All living things lie as part of their defense mechanism so that extraterrestrials can lie. The question is, as always, in dosage and context. I never felt like they were lying to me. Of course, one could rightly argue that half-truths are like a lie. At the same time, the blame may lie with the questioner. Extraterrestrials don't just chat.
Can extraterrestrials evolve from insects fly?
- Extraterrestrials, even those that evolved from insects, are unable to fly. Aviation requires an aerodynamic structure. Limbs and relatively high body weight are not adapted for aviation.
Do extraterrestrials have vision problems at a later age?
- ETs have lens-calibrating technology to correct all vision problems, so they don't need glasses or contact lenses.
Are extraterrestrials resistant to heat and cold?
- Extraterrestrials have very effective insulation technologies, but as organic creatures, they need comfortable temperatures that are adapted to their physiology. (Moderate temperatures)
Why do extraterrestrials have such large heads?
- Extraterrestrials have large heads, large eyes, and usually large ears. They regularly use psychic abilities that require transcending other dimensions. The brain processing of these actions is very complex and requires a large brain with perfect synchronization between the different senses.
Why is the human brain only at 10% efficiency?
- The human brain is not only 10% efficient. Another 30%—40% provide processing capabilities of the subconscious mind in other dimensions, where electrical activity is not expressed in MRI machines' imaging tests. The brain and other organs hold a critical reserve of processing power, which, in any case, also declines with age due to inflammatory-degenerative processes.
Are mentalists (who bend spoons) and read thoughts connected to the extraterrestrial Federation PBX?
- The so-called mentalists (who often use their abilities for entertainment and amusement) do indeed have high psychic and telepathic abilities. However, they are not connected to the extraterrestrial Federation's switchboard.
Do extraterrestrials commit suicide?
- Extraterrestrials do not commit suicide. They have no human emotions and no ego, and they know their life trajectory in the first place. No love, no children, and no disappointments.
Do extraterrestrials suffer from addictions?
- The main cause of addictions is unresolved mental traumas. Extraterrestrials have no mental traumas and no different personality structures. Extraterrestrials do not suffer from addictions.
Are there extraterrestrials who are very overweight?
- Extraterrestrials of different species, with very different dimensions, do not suffer from problems known as human obesity.
If an extraterrestrial is wrestling with a strong person. Who will win?
- The questions attribute human traits to extraterrestrials, but this is not true. I don't recommend wrestling with extraterrestrials. Even those that are not muscular will defeat you without contact!
Can extraterrestrials take the form of humans?
- The answer is yes. When I ask for explanations, I get a referral to the Count of Saint-Zarmin. (lived in the 18th century) I still don't understand how things are done.
Are lizard-like extraterrestrials more dangerous?
- I was asked (politely) not to deal with the appearance of extraterrestrials and received no reply. (In my personal opinion, the answer is that they are not violent, dangerous, or controlling the planet, as is often attributed to them.)
Do extraterrestrials have empathy for humans and animals?
- Empathy is a human emotion that extraterrestrials lack. The concepts of mercy, justice, and helping others come from the intellect rather than emotion.
Are there shape-shifting extraterrestrials similar to the Arnold Schwarzenegger films?
- Some extraterrestrials take on human life forms and look like ordinary humans. The explanation is complicated, but extraterrestrials do not harbor human souls. The depictions in Arnold Schwarzenegger's films are figments of the imagination.
Can humans insult extraterrestrials?
- Insult is human behavior and emotion that does not exist in extraterrestrials.
Do extraterrestrials have a concept of fear?
- Fear is a survival trait that exists in every living being. The explanation I received was that there was a fear of not performing tasks properly. The extraterrestrial fear is not like that of humans.
5 Personal inquiries regarding interfaces with extraterrestrials.
I must highlight that without the physical and spiritual assistance that extraterrestrials have given me (without being physically revealed to me), I would not have survived 18 years of superhuman suffering from liver cirrhosis.
What scares me the most about interacting with extraterrestrials?
- Extraterrestrials attribute to severe natural disasters and wars, including world wars, the qualities of "eliminating evil, evil and lies." At the same time, I fear that this is only a temporary solution at the cost of millions of dead, wounded, and untold human suffering. I beg time and time again to prevent wars and natural disasters! It is an ineffective drug. I always repeat that the message be conveyed to the Federation Council.
Did extraterrestrials murder Adrian Dvir?
- Adrian Dvir's death circumstances are unclear. At the time of his death, he was 46, with a history of obesity, but not with terminal illnesses. When I channeled the question, the unequivocal answer was that extraterrestrials certainly did not cause Adrian Dvir's death. Draw my attention to death's date (6,6,6) as part of solving the mystery.
Do extraterrestrials censor my writing?
- Extraterrestrials don't tell me secrets they don't want me to publish and have never asked me to refrain from writing about certain topics. The main subject on which I limit myself in writing is religion. I don't know much about religion, and I don't joke about it because I respect different beliefs.
I live in Hawaii. Will the earthquake, as mentioned in another post, hit the area?
Link: A mega tectonic plate movement earthquake 2025.
- The event you are referring to was communicated to me in the channel with no details, except for the epicenter of the earthquake and the fact that a volcano erupted from the depths of the ocean accompanied it. Even without being a geologist, movement in the Earth's crust (tectonic plates) is unusual and can cause tsunami waves at unprecedented heights and intensity. The effect will probably be global; the distance to Hawaii is less than 2400 miles.
I have marks on my body similar to those in your photo. Have extraterrestrials abducted me?
Link: An extraterrestrial energy-injecting device left marks on my hand.
- Assuming these are recurring signs, in a similar configuration, you may have been treated by extraterrestrials to help you healthily. Extraterrestrials can perform the energy injection without noticing—there is no need to kidnap you. You better feel lucky!
Can I turn to extraterrestrials to treat my cancer?
- You can try guided imagery, preferably while meditating. Since most Western people find it difficult to meditate, and if you do not have high telepathy abilities, look for a reliable communicator. (Don't look for ads for communicating with extraterrestrials because you won't find any)
Is Alixin, my wife, involved in my extraterrestrial work?
- My wife is not involved in anything related to extraterrestrial issues.
Do I give lectures on topics related to extraterrestrial civilizations?
- I was not asked to give lectures on the subject. Since I live in China, in-person lectures are impossible.
How much scientific material I write on the site comes from extraterrestrial knowledge?
- The answer (in channeling) was quite surprising. It said that if I understand what I receive in channeling, 100% of what I write is the fruit of my intellect.
Can anyone apply for the position of Earth's Ambassador to the Extraterrestrial Federation Council?
Link: I offer myself as Earth's ambassador to the Intergalactic Federation.
- Anyone who thinks they are worthy can apply for the position. Since there is no email or other known means of communication, everything must be carried out by telepathic communication. It is worth emphasizing that the Federation Council has veto power over the candidate, so the choice will not be political.
Doesn't the journey to the Sagittarius constellation to meet with the Federation Council scare you?
Link: Encounters with extraterrestrials must be trust builders.
- I have concerns, like everyone else, naturally, not for fear of being harmed by extraterrestrials but about what will precede an encounter and scenarios that will make extraterrestrials feel threatened by humans! (The reaction can be very painful)
Aren't you afraid of the sight of extraterrestrials?
- I am not afraid of extraterrestrials because I do not attribute malicious intentions to them. Of course, I'll have to get used to their unique appearance, just like everyone else. I believe that we will all get used to seeing extraterrestrials soon.
Am I a believer in the religious sense?
- I am a member of the Jewish religion; this is how I was born, and this is how I will die. I am not an observant person according to religious law. At the same time, I believe in God. I believe in justice, honesty, compassion, decency, love of others, equality, and the Ten Commandments.
Why are you blocked from communicating with extraterrestrials who do not belong to the Federation?
- There is rivalry (not necessarily war) between the Federation and extraterrestrials in distant galaxies. Their values differ, and communicating with them can cause conflicts and misunderstandings.
Are you anxious about the years 2025-6?
- Extraterrestrials defined these years as a dramatic positive change for humanity. At the same time, I fear catastrophic natural disasters that will lead to change. Extraterrestrials have made it clear that disasters create change. A kind of forced treatment!
Could it be that I am wrong big time?
- Of course, I can make mistakes and misinterpret messages, but these messages have been repeated for many years. When I have doubts, I verify them through another channel, Ms. Sigalit Levy. There, I listen and don't channel by myself.
"If you're open to the extraterrestrial switchboard, why don't you pull out and publish the theory of everything?"
- Many very complex formulas were sent to me telepathically a few years ago. I was told later that the messages were intended for someone else, but my reception was better. These very complex materials require knowledge of physics at a level I don't have. I get quite complex materials, but at a level whose understanding is tailored to me.
Am I exposed to my future and the day I die? (To illustrate)
- I was warned in the channel not to ask for information about me from the Akashic Library. Obtaining information about me creates a problem of synchronizing between different times. Therefore, I make sure not to ask real personal questions. I have pictures from the future without asking anything! I get no answer when I ask about them; the message is not to ask. At the same time, I may request assistance with personal matters, and I receive scientific information without restrictions.
Why do extraterrestrials avoid personal prophecies?
- When I ask personal questions about myself through Ms. Sigalit Levy (I can't channel for myself), I get answers such as "no picture." The explanation is scientific-philosophical. These are self-fulfilling prophecies that interfere with the synchronization of time. Extraterrestrials emphasize that time is not an axis from past to future but a spiral.
Are you interested in being the Earth Ambassador to the Federation Council so that you can undergo complete tissue reconstruction and experience eternal life?
- Complete tissue restoration gives a very long lifespan, in human terms, almost eternal life. I'm not interested in that! The practical implication is that the people you love die, and only you are always left alone. I'd rather die knowing that I'll be reborn in another body. (Although I won't remember my current life)
If a friendly government requests that you help with extraterrestrial issues, will you comply?
- I would happily assist as best I can in communicating with extraterrestrials. However, given that persuasion is required and conditions cannot be set, it is certainly forbidden to consider a military response or one that could be interpreted as harming extraterrestrials. I think that for the good of humanity, there is a need for a limited coalition on the issue and not for dealing with a single government separately.
Doesn't it bother you that humans are inferior to extraterrestrials?
- Factually, extraterrestrials are ahead of humanity scientifically and technologically. At the same time, extraterrestrials have no emotions and their values accordingly without empathy. Humans are not inferior to extraterrestrials. Life, including that of extraterrestrials, is of supreme value to me.
Who will you support if there is a war between extraterrestrials and humans?
- Extraterrestrials do not need my support; I will only try to prevent unnecessary bloodshed. If extraterrestrials decide to punish humanity for a violent response to them, all I have to do is try to prevent or reduce the evil of the decree and pray that they will have mercy on us as their creation.
Is Elon Musk an extraterrestrial, and will he be the next president of the United States?
- Elon Musk is not an extraterrestrial; he has political ambitions. He is highly likely to become president of the United States, not necessarily in the next term.
6 Extraterrestrial lifestyle and nutrition.
Do extraterrestrials wear clothes?
- Extraterrestrials wear special insulated suits to prevent infections. The suits are tight to the body and look as if the body's skin is reflected from them.
Do extraterrestrials live in cities and homes?
- Extraterrestrials live in cities and have the most pyramid-like homes with a Tesla sphere for wireless energy projection. They have vehicles that hover and dock at docking stations at different heights, which is very reminiscent of science fiction movies.
Do extraterrestrials shower?
- Extraterrestrials don't sweat, but they enjoy hot-water showers.
Do extraterrestrials have pets?
- Extraterrestrials have a different personality structure, and emotionally, they do not need and do not keep pets.
Do extraterrestrials love music and art?
- Extraterrestrials have highly developed senses and psychic abilities and love music, painting, sculpture, and art. Of course, it is different from the one we know.
What is the favorite food of extraterrestrials?
- Different species of extraterrestrials eat different kinds of foods, but most extraterrestrials love crispy food.
Do extraterrestrials use robots that perform complex tasks?
- Extraterrestrials have robots dedicated to various tasks; they do not look like members of extraterrestrial species. Cyborgs (an extraterrestrial-machine hybrid) are also difficult to distinguish externally from non-machine extraterrestrials.
Do extraterrestrials suffer from depression?
- Extraterrestrials have a predictable life path and a very long life expectancy. They do not suffer from depression. (which is a distinctly human emotion)
Is there a phenomenon of suicide in extraterrestrials?
- Extraterrestrials do not commit suicide! Extraterrestrials have no moods or depression, and besides, suicide brings the being back to the same reincarnation to complete the lesson they did not complete.
7 How technologically developed are extraterrestrials?
Link: Index for technology level of space-traveling civilizations.
Did captive extraterrestrials give away scientific secrets?
- In several incidents, extraterrestrials have been held in remote isolation facilities under a heavy cloak of secrecy. The captured technology was used for reverse engineering. (Quite similar to Bob Lazar's explanation! - which was a fabricated event)
Do extraterrestrials travel inside wormholes?
- Extraterrestrials constantly travel within wormholes (space-time distortions), which can be challenging to navigate. There are stable wormholes, including those that reach the interior of the Earth and allow entry and exit without detection.
Is Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity wrong?
- Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity is not wrong; it has been proven time and time again by empirical tests, but it is a particular case of a multidimensional world.
Are humans physiologically capable of flying in an extraterrestrial spacecraft?
- The human brain is not built to fly in other dimensions; there is a risk of harm. Therefore, in those cases where humans are invited to fly in such an extraterrestrial spaceship, two particular components will be implanted in their brains to protect their brains. (one in each of the hemispheres)
Can extraterrestrials lift heavy objects like rocks into the air without contact?
- Extraterrestrials control gravity and can move objects in a bubble from place to place without contact. It is physics unknown to humans and involves a lot of energy.
What will happen to all the technologies achieved by advanced extraterrestrial science?
Link: Intellectual property originating from extraterrestrials will belong to humanity.
- Technologies originating from extraterrestrials will remain in the hands of those who developed them, which, in any case, gives them an advantage. However, all existing technologies derived from information provided by extraterrestrials to humankind will belong to humanity.
Do the technologies of "death rays" exist among the superpowers?
- The technology of death rays was initially conceived by Nikola Tesla and caused his death! His programs have been stolen, and specific technologies that can be operated remotely harm the human body. Think you have (for illustration purposes) a remote control over someone's pacemaker at a great distance from you!
Are there technologies that can block "death rays"?
- Extraterrestrials have masking technologies that prevent harmful energy intervention from afar.
Are extraterrestrials involved with superpowers in building airplanes based on antigravity?
- Extraterrestrials extensively use space-time distortions. They create a bubble around the spacecraft, and instead of the spaceship moving, space-time moves. At the same time, this technology is not designed for airplanes but for deep space travel. I gave a more detailed explanation in a separate blog.
Can extraterrestrials perform quantum teleportation?
- There are several options for teleportation. In science fiction films, such as Star Trek, the traveler and their equipment are fully converted to another location in the space-time dimension. Extraterrestrials can also perform teleportation, which requires preparations and special equipment. In principle, travelers and their equipment are in a bubble in the space-time dimension and do not undergo molecular decomposition and reassembly because this is a very complex and dangerous process.
How are extraterrestrials performing surgery on the energetic (astral) human body?
- The energetic body mirrors the physical body and can treat various conditions without harm. (Adrian Dvir's book provides vivid descriptions.) Technology does not exist in humans and requires advanced knowledge and equipment.
Does acupuncture originate from extraterrestrial knowledge?
- Acupuncture, based on deep knowledge of the energetic body, originated from extraterrestrial knowledge handed down to humans thousands of years ago.
Did extraterrestrials help build the pyramids?
- Extraterrestrials did not build the pyramids but assisted with immense knowledge in building pyramids around the world. The level of sophistication required is enormous. The pyramids have two main purposes: a triangulation point for the Tesla sphere for wireless energy transmission and a relay station for telepathic transmissions across the universe.
Can extraterrestrials flip objects in the air without contact?
- Extraterrestrials can create a bubble around any object (mass has significance for the energy expended) and move it, seemingly without applying force. Conversion to another dimension, without the object disappearing, while creating space-time distortion around the object. It can move any object from place to place. At the same time, special equipment and a lot of energy are required in the process.
What is life energy?
- Extraterrestrials define life energy as cosmic energy. The gates and acupuncture points on the meridians (energy channels) are based on an electromagnetic valve. To my understanding, life energy is energy in other dimensions. When people die, they return to the spiritual dimension in the other dimension.
Are there joint technological projects with extraterrestrials?
- Many existing technologies result from reverse engineering captured extraterrestrial technologies. Extraterrestrials in secret sites assist in secret developments, some for military purposes. I draw attention to the fact that not all extraterrestrials visiting Erath are members of the Extraterrestrial Federation.
Can extraterrestrials (for example) neutralize ballistic missiles?
- Extraterrestrials avoid overt involvement, for which there will be no explanation. At the same time, they can neutralize systems and disrupt them to such a level as to prevent an attack that triggers a reaction that gets out of control. (Electronic Superwarfare)
How do extraterrestrials perform complex calculations?
- Extraterrestrials who are members of the Intergalactic Federation ask the switchboard, a hive of communication, information, and data processing, to perform their calculations. The connection does not require physical contact but is telepathic.
Who has access to the extraterrestrial Federation hive switchboard?
- Access to the PBX is encrypted and cannot be hacked! It is given to the Federation's member civilizations population and a small handful of people (it requires dedicated brain implants) who have access to only unclassified information.
Can the brain implants implanted by extraterrestrials be seen in MRI? Can extraterrestrials pull them out?
- A few days after implantation, the implants cannot be seen in an MRI because they are tiny and merge with the tissue. Extraterrestrials can deactivate implants, including specific functions within them, without removing them.
Are Elon Musk and humanity close to brain implants like those of extraterrestrials?
- Brain research is accelerating, and brain implants will become more common in the coming decades, mainly due to motor and vision loss. At the same time, human technology is not comparable to extraterrestrials, which is on a different scale.
Doesn't the fact that extraterrestrials can travel faster than the speed of light create time paradoxes?
- This paradox is known in physics as causality: when moving at speeds exceeding the speed of light, the time order is disrupted. I devoted a separate post to the subject. The explanations are not simple, but extraterrestrials repeat that time is not an axis, from past to future, but a spiral.
Is the measure you propose, "ACTI," acceptable by extraterrestrials for measuring the technological level of advanced civilizations?
- Humanity uses the Kardishev scale, which has correct principles but also disadvantages. Nuclear fusion energy can be applied to spaceships and renders redundant all technologies that harness environmental energy. Extraterrestrials clarified that the "ACTI" index, which measures the relative (to the speed of light) velocity of transportation and communication, is preferable. Link: Index for the technology level of space-traveling civilizations.
Do extraterrestrials use the chemical element with atomic number 115 (Muscovium) to create antigravity?
- Is the chemical element with atomic number 115 (Muscovium) an artificial element with a very short lifetime and a very radioactive nature? Its fame came because of Bob Lazar. Extraterrestrials drew my attention when Bob Lazar revealed the affairs just before the fall of the Soviet Union (an event that the West did not foresee), even though it was not explicitly stated! I got the message that Bob Lazar was part of a web of deliberate deception.
- More to the point, extraterrestrials use different technologies to transcend other dimensions to propel aircraft at speeds 500,000 times greater than the speed of light. You will find the explanations in a separate post. (They are not trivial and require imagination.) Link: Extraterrestrial spacecraft manifest higher dimensions while traveling.
Do extraterrestrials use batteries to propel small spacecraft?
- Aircraft, even small ones, require very strong lift, which uses plasma pulse technology and vector propulsion. The energy required is enormous and not suitable for batteries. Small fusion reactors have been adapted for small extraterrestrial aircraft.
How do extraterrestrials travel through different dimensions?
- Extraterrestrials have a small (box-like) device, a multidimensional synchronous transducer, which performs the conversion for them with a huge energy investment. The brain of extraterrestrials can pass through dimensions without damage. (Humans cannot move between dimensions; this can cause them brain damage)
Do extraterrestrials use plastic, synthetic fibers, nylon, and petroleum products?
- ETs strongly emphasize the environment and the use of recycled materials. Extraterrestrial materials engineering is very advanced, far beyond that of humanity. ETs use composite materials, including synthetic fibers, derived from plants and bacteria (genetically engineered) rather than petroleum. (Extraterrestrials do not use oil)
Do extraterrestrials have electrical and TV outlets and Internet on the walls of houses?
- Extraterrestrials have no power outlets or other outlets. They use natural light amplification. They use a wireless energy source based on principles that Tesla invented about 100 years ago for heating. (knowledge given by extraterrestrials) The houses have a Tesla sphere of electrical induction that transmits energy without wires. Extraterrestrials have holographic, photovoltaic, and telepathy-driven screens. The Internet is a human invention that has no use among extraterrestrials. Extraterrestrials are well acquainted with the Internet media for research purposes.
Is there a scientific basis for astrology?
- Extraterrestrials make it clear that the celestial bodies have a far-reaching energetic effect. Since energetic synchronization greatly affects all areas of life, astrology has a scientific basis. At the same time, an accurate map (not from the newspaper) and correct interpretation are required.
Do extraterrestrials use numerology?
- Extraterrestrials do not need to perform numerological calculations to understand and synchronize different frequencies; however, the two Chaladian and Pythagorean neurological methods are essentially two faces of the same coin that complement each other.
Why do extraterrestrial spacecraft crash on Earth?
- Indeed, extraterrestrial spacecraft sometimes crashes, most often due to a pilot error. Flight speed is very high, and flying at low altitudes is a special challenge. Earth's atmosphere is relatively thick, and gravity is different. You can fly instrument flight, but pilots want to practice self-flight. (They do have a bit of ego)
I read in Adrian Dvir's book that extraterrestrials have the technology of immortality.
- Adrian Dvir's book briefly mentions a full molecular reconstruction of the members of the Federation Council without a detailed explanation. When I ask (in channeling), the explanation is that all the body's cells are scanned to be reconstructed from scratch. At the same time, this is not eternal life! The number of reconstructions is limited, so their lifespan can reach tens of thousands of years.
Can you ask for an explanation of what dark matter is in physical terms?
- Dark matter is a matter that science does not know how to define and cannot be measured in any way. Its existence is necessary to explain a much higher gravity than can be calculated.
- The extraterrestrials explain dark matter as matter or energy in a dimension other than the 3D dimensions we know. String theory, which has 11 dimensions, is correct. However, science has not learned to recognize matter or energy in other dimensions.
- There is an interaction between ordinary matter and dark matter. It's about both sides of the same coin, just in a different, energetic state.
Are all the pyramids designed to generate electricity using the Tesla method?
- The pyramids were a center of communication, command, and control designed to strengthen the Federation's hold on Earth. They were not burial sites or just for energy production; they were intended to serve as a forward outpost of the Federation on Earth.
- The construction of the pyramids began after the impact of a comet, which caused the flood of Noah (mentioned in the Bible).
- The comet's impact was due to the deliberate tilting of extraterrestrials, who do not belong to the Federation, to a collision course with Earth.
The pyramids (Egypt, Mexico, Sudan, Bolivia, and more) are scattered worldwide. Hidden pyramids also exist under the ice in Alaska and Antarctica. These pyramids have superconductivity properties. They were all built in extraterrestrial designs by advanced extraterrestrials.
- The pyramids had a dual purpose:
- A relay station for telepathy waves (in another dimension) that required enormous energy.
- A docking station for extraterrestrial spaceships with hidden openings.
- At the top of each pyramid was an elaborate transmission facility for the remote relay station.
- The pyramids house a nuclear fusion reactor in internal chambers, which produces enormous amounts of energy. The difficulty lies in the energy conduction and cooling of the plasma cells that produce enormous heat. Therefore, ventilation ducts and a lot of water were required for cooling.
- The ancient pyramids' dating is incorrect. They are between 10,000 and 13,000 years old, and their establishment is associated with natural disasters.
Beneath the famous pyramid of Giza, "stuck in an extraterrestrial spaceship" that has not yet been found.
Is it possible to derive energy from the cosmic energy? ( Zero point energy)
- Tesla's discoveries (which have not been implemented) concern energy extraction from cosmic energy. (The plans were stolen.) The principles do not contradict the laws of physics. A huge energy investment is required to produce the energy; similar to a nuclear fusion reactor, the product produces more energy than it invests.
Where is the lost city of Atlantis?
- The lost city of Atlantis, considered very advanced for its time, is located off the coast of Greece. A huge 5-kilometer-deep crater formed by a comet impact about 13,000 years ago created the Great Flood mentioned in the Bible. Anyone who opens a topographic map of the Mediterranean basin will discover a huge crater near the shores of Greece.
Did Michel de Nostradamus channel with extraterrestrials?
- Michel de Nostradamus was a talented astrologer who did not communicate with extraterrestrials. His writings do not mention explicit names and require interpretation.
Did Edgar Casey, considered the greatest mystic of recent times, communicate with extraterrestrials?
- Yes, indeed. Edgar Casey communicated with extraterrestrials and had extraordinary abilities to transport the (energetic) etheric body to time travel, backward and forwards.
Is it possible to produce superconductivity without cooling close to 0 Kelvin? (absolute zero)
- Extraterrestrials have demonstrated the possibility of performing superconductivity without significant cooling, and research on this subject is in its advanced stages.
- Even non-conducting bodies can become superconductors if enveloped in a bubble with superconductivity properties (high voltage). It is also how extraterrestrials move and lift heavy loads.
Can humanity make wormholes in the laboratory as claimed for the CERN particle accelerator? (Switzerland)
- Humanity can make wormholes but has not yet learned to use them safely for space travel. Maintaining stability and navigating through wormholes is difficult.
Is there a duplication of us (in different versions) of each universe?
- The idea of different versions of us, which become deterministic at the moment of choice, originates from probabilistic quantum properties of matter and energy. Extraterrestrials rejected the idea. We exist in several dimensions simultaneously, but only in one universe.
Who killed Nikola Tesla?
- Nikola Tesla, the greatest inventor of all time, was a rare genius. Tesla received enormous amounts of information from extraterrestrials. (Part not implemented) Nikola Tesla was indeed murdered. The answer was stated in the channel (I verified the answer), but the identity of the murderers was not disclosed. Nikola Tesla was found dead in his bed in January 1943 on the 33rd floor of the New Yorker Hotel (in Manhattan), allegedly due to a blood clot.
- Nikola Tesla lived in material poverty and tried to sell his rays of death. Who was motivated to murder him? You don't need Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson to guess.
Did extraterrestrials mine gold and other metals on Earth?
- The gold found on Earth was not created on Earth. Extraterrestrials don't need gold for jewelry, and they haven't mined gold and other metals on Earth. These metals are abundantly available in the universe.
Do extraterrestrials live on the far side of the Moon?
- An extraterrestrial race (perceived as hostile) lives on the far side of the Moon.
Why did China, Russia, and India accelerate research on the far side of the Moon?
- Apart from the prestige of landing on the Moon and the (unpublished) news of an extraterrestrial relay station and extraterrestrial laboratories, the superpowers are interested in helium-3 mining. (an isotope of helium gas with one neutron less) that could be used as the future fuel in nuclear fusion reactors. Tremendous economic significance and technological leadership. (The concentration of helium-3 on the lunar surface is 30K higher than on Earth.)
Is it possible to "fix" history and the future through time travel?
- Extraterrestrials emphasize that time is not pivotal from the past to the future but spirals, so the events we experience are synchronized. The future also influences the present and the past. Time travel is possible, but the past has a chaotic component that even quantum computers cannot crack, so interfering at critical points is problematic, and extraterrestrials usually avoid it.
Are extraterrestrials connected to the Internet? Are extraterrestrials aware of all the theories about them circulating online?
- Extraterrestrials can receive and decode all the digital transmissions that humanity produces. They are well-versed in everything happening on the planet at a difficult-to-understand level.
- Extraterrestrials are very familiar with all the different videos and testimonies and are aware of the great amount of disinformation and misinterpretation that exists in the public about extraterrestrials.
Are extraterrestrials able to fly in deep space between different universes?
- Extraterrestrials are indeed capable of flying in deep space between different universes. There are wormhole connections between the different universes.
Can extraterrestrials cross between universes through white holes? (A kind of hidden web)
- White holes can be illustrated as a web or hidden wall of energy, and extraterrestrials cannot pass through them.
How many such wormhole connections between universes exist?
- As mentioned, there are infinite universes and infinite connecting wormholes. In a dynamic model, the numbers of each specific universe may vary. Universes expand, and others are formed (born) while others explode (die). At the same time, it is possible to define the average number of connections per universe as PI (3.14..). The concept of infinity also has odd mathematical properties.
8 Extraterrestrials must have accelerated human evolution.
Are there hybrid humans with extraterrestrials?
- The human race is a hybrid with extraterrestrials because it has undergone much deliberate genetic manipulation. However, it is impossible to hybridize humans with extraterrestrials; they have entirely different genetics.
Did extraterrestrials deliberately mislead the science of evolution?
- For those who pursue conspiracy theories, there are none here! Humans have taken Charles Darwin's correct principles of natural selection too far. The evidence of fossils, which provides an alibi for the theory, reflects extraterrestrial manipulations in the genetics of flora and fauna on Earth.
Were the "Nephilim" (giants) mentioned in the Bible in Genesis extraterrestrials?
- The Nephilim (giants) were a human race (genetically engineered) giant that was not adapted to Earth and therefore became extinct.
Why did extraterrestrials genetically engineer humans with a lifespan of 120 years, as also mentioned in the Bible?
- Biblical stories about the life expectancy of many centuries, such as Methuselah, are not identical to the current CE. They are based on the seasons and lunar calendar.
- A life expectancy of hundreds of years, as mentioned in the Bible, would have led to wars, overpopulation, and social and economic problems without a concept of inheritance.
Is Earth and its inhabitants a kind of zoo run by extraterrestrials?
- Although extraterrestrials are involved in creating life on Earth, they are not involved in people's daily lives and do not see humans as pets. The comparison to "zoo" evokes frightening connotations that do not correspond to the actual events.
Do humanoid extraterrestrial mammals exist?
- Extraterrestrials do not breed sexually, although several species have males and females. In these, the female lays eggs, and the male fertilizes them. Based on the knowledge acquired from Earth, attempts have been made to produce extraterrestrial mammals.
Why do extraterrestrials corrupt mammals' genitals?
- Extraterrestrials perform many experiments on animals of all species; the corruption is tangible and brutal. Adrian Dvir's book references the subject that extraterrestrials have been doing this since the dawn of creation, and some did not attach importance to the euthanasia of animals as a matter requiring compassion. The topic needs improvement)
Did bacteria on Earth arise in spontaneous creation?
- Bacteria are mistakenly perceived as very simple organisms. Anyone who looks closely will understand that bacteria have very complex mechanisms. Recently, it was discovered that bacteria have an ionic motor with a rotor and sensors that allow them to move. Some bacteria came through meteorites, and extraterrestrials planted some. The idea of spontaneous creation (abiogenesis) was convenient forever, one but not true.
Is it possible to extend the lifespan of humans by changing individual genes?
- Extraterrestrials explain that, yes, it is possible. However, it is worth noting that genetic changes of this type can change many other aspects, such as personality, behavior, and metabolic rate. A significant increase in life expectancy dramatically impacts family life, the economy, the environment, and more.
Are the figures that appear in Egyptian engravings of a human body with an animal's head the result of extraterrestrial genetic engineering?
- Indeed, extraterrestrials performed experimental genetic engineering, including hybridizing animals and humans! To my question, these attempts have ceased and no longer exist. (They are unethical)
9 Feel free to contact Harel Samuel about any questions regarding extraterrestrials.
Contact Harel Samuel directly. I respond personally to every inquiry. (Also possible anonymously)
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Sincerely yours,
Harel Samuel