The deep space in our relative proximity is dominated by the Extraterrestrial Federation, which incorporates 55 advanced civilizations.
- At the same time, delegations of other civilizations that compete with the Federation visit Earth. The Federation is a body with a scale of values reminiscent of humans.
I channel with the Federation PBX. Link: An Introduction to the concept of channeling with extraterrestrials.
- There are deliberate leaks designed to portray extraterrestrials as a military and existential threat. These leaks have several motives that may postpone the upcoming encounter with extraterrestrials incorporated in the Federation.
The Extraterrestrial Federation does not pose a military or existential threat to humanity. They have accompanied humanity since the dawn of creation.
The Council of the Extraterrestrial Federation is a body of paramount importance.
Note: The federation logo in the cover photo, with the Earth in the center, is a figment of the imagination created using artificial intelligence. Federation members do not wear symbols on their garment lapels.
It is an operative body that makes decisions, implements them, and conducts monitoring and control. It resembles nothing to the United Nations, which lacks executive capabilities.
- Adrian Dvir's book X3, Healing, Beings and Extraterrestrials, describes the Federation of Extraterrestrial Civilizations extensively.
It is essential to apprehend that there are also powerful extraterrestrial forces that do not act according to the Federation's moral values, which are also familiar to humanity. These forces are found in distant galaxies but affect Earth and its inhabitants. Earth's accession to the Federation Council is essential for protecting our planet Earth and its people. (Remarkably similar to the Star Trek series)
The Federation Supreme Council is an executive body.
The Federation supervises the various activities of extraterrestrial civilizations. The Federation Council is tasked with developing the civilizations and preventing possible conflicts between the member civilizations.
- The Supreme e Council's voting is democratic, and each civilization has a representative office. Field inspectors verify that the implementation conforms to the defined policy. The Federatis also protects its members from competing civilizations.
- The Extraterrestrial Federation's hive-like PBX manages all aspects of extraterrestrial civilizations that are members of the Federation. Link: Federation's beehive-based PBX marvel.
It is essential to emphasize that the Federation Council is not like the United Nations as we know it. The Federation Council can make decisions and execute them. Its decisions are binding on all 55 existing civilizations. (Still Without Earth)
- It is essential to emphasize that the Council is monitoring the planet, hoping it will join the Federation shortly. At the same time, the Council is aware of the difficulties, concerns, and risks of such a dramatic process of first exposure to highly advanced cultures.
- Those who recall the Federation in the Star Trek film series marvel at its accuracy in predicting the future.
I proposed myself as a candidate for the Federation's Supreme Council on behalf of Earth. Link: I offer myself as Earth's ambassador to the Intergalactic Federation.
How can the member civilizations of the Federation be identified?
How to identify whether extraterrestrials belong to a federation or extraterrestrials who are not affiliated with a federation is a question that seems to be taken from a science fiction movie but is a very practical question for the very near future.
- Extraterrestrials associated with Federation civilizations do not have Federation badges (as in the Star Trek series) or identification marks on their spacecraft. Their outward appearance doesn't say anything, either. It is mainly related to the living conditions on the planet they come from.
The answer to my question. (By channeling)
- Most of the public could not distinguish between extraterrestrials who were members of the Federation and those who were not. (Though one may ask)
- For those who can communicate directly with the Federation's switchboard, we will immediately feel the difference because the frequencies of extraterrestrial telepathy waves that are not affiliated with the Federation will sound discordant and unharmonious-synchronous.
The message I received was that when things became relevant, more details would be given about how to identify the civilizations that are members of the Federation so that others, not just a small handful, would also know how to discern.
Ancient pyramids were the Federation's outpost on Earth.
A comet's impact on Earth triggered the construction of the pyramids. Competing extraterrestrials deliberately deflected the comet into an Earth-impact orbit. Link to the article: Ancient pyramids were extraterrestrial outposts on Earth.
- The pyramids required prior planning, many inputs, and a huge investment of resources. They were built to signal to competing extraterrestrials that Earth was under Federation control. Earth is considered a very young and fascinating civilization. The main resource of extraterrestrials is the genetic and behavioral information of Earth's human race, flora, and fauna. Essential minerals are abundant in the universe elsewhere as well.
The pyramids were built as a command and control post by the Intergalactic Federation of Earth. They are a kind of flag of the Federation on Earth that even competing extraterrestrials see when they reach Earth.
- Ancient Sumerian texts and the Anunki culture depict extraterrestrial wars attributed to extraterrestrials, who were perceived at the time as gods.
- The impact of the comet, about 12,800 - 13,000 years ago, has been described in the Bible (the flood and Noah's Ark) and many other cultures. The impact created tsunami waves, huge floods, and opened holes in the Earth's crust, and according to various theories, caused the tectonic plates to move. The Antarctic continent is believed to have moved to its current location, near the South Pole, due to an asteroid, or comet, hitting simultaneously. There is ample evidence that Antarctica flourished with various flora and fauna.
- There are many theories about Atlantis's lost civilization. According to my hypothesis, the comet's event caused Atlantis to submerge in the depths of the Mediterranean basin.
A command and control station requires advanced communications and docking stations for spacecraft.