Many theories regarding the moon landing claim that it was staged. Still, The moon landing was authentic.
- NASA is hiding the evidence about extraterrestrials it has accumulated over the years. The famous moon landing in July 1969 was also met with proof of extraterrestrials, but to avoid panic, the truth was hidden from the public eye, and rightly so.
- Apollo 17-20's secretive last voyages encountered extraterrestrials. NASA was required to maintain a complete blackout. New details have recently been published and are also available on YouTube.
- Landings on the Moon's far side are not just for the sake of science! Rather, they are to establish the status of a superpower by contacting extraterrestrials capable of providing super technologies.
Russia, China, and India, which also landed on the Moon, have information about an extraterrestrial race living there that is hidden from the public.
There is a theory that the Moon is nothing more than an extraterrestrial satellite.
- I did not receive (in channeling) approval or rejection of the theory. However, extraterrestrials have confirmed the existence of an extraterrestrial relay station on the far side of the Moon for telepathic transmission.
- Based on testimonies of abductees (which I tend to believe), active research is underway involving extraterrestrials and humans (born on the Moon!) Imagination or reality – judge for yourself.
Link: The Hollow Moon Theory: Is the Moon an Artificial Satellite?
Brought in by the most advanced extraterrestrial civilizations to spy on Earth. I cannot verify nor deny this theory's claims; it requires extensive knowledge of astrophysics and information about findings collected by NASA and other agencies and researchers.
- Several theories about the Moon's formation are based on the following principles: capture, disengagement, adsorption, single collision, or multiple collisions. Computer simulations indicate multiple collisions with relatively large asteroids are more likely. At the same time, no unequivocal answer provides an unequivocal explanation.
- Earth's Moon is larger than other moons, and all its characteristics suit Earth's needs! Coincidence? I'm not sure, but I'm also not sure about a version of the Moon as an extraterrestrial satellite.
I do not doubt that extraterrestrials know the answer, but as I said, they did not answer my question. Can extraterrestrials put a "moon" in orbit around Earth? I wouldn't be surprised if the answer is yes.
While channeling with extraterrestrials, I asked, "Is the moon an extraterrestrial satellite?"
The answer was "no response," meaning the information is probably confidential. (An unusual answer, although it has happened in the past)
It is essential to emphasize that there is no dispute about several known facts:
- The Moon is precisely at the balance point of Earth's gravity, which trapped it in a fixed orbit.
- The Moon serves as an orbital stabilizer for Earth, without which the Earth's tilt would probably change sharply, creating dramatic changes in weather on Earth.
- The Moon's illuminated side consistently faces the Earth, while its far side is always hidden.
- The Moon's rotation around its axis and its rotation around the Earth are perfectly synchronized, so the side facing Earth always remains the same. The Moon's dark side is not dark but is always far away and hidden from Earth. Coincidental or not? I'm not sure.
Unresolved is whether very advanced extraterrestrials can place an artificial satellite in front of Earth in the form of a satellite moon.
What is clear and undisputed (which also appears in Adrian Dvir's book and received confirmation in my channeling)