How do extraterrestrials reproduce? Do they have sex?

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  4. How do extraterrestrials reproduce? Do they have sex?
14/11/2023 3:10
There are thousands of extraterrestrial civilizations. Some are very distant from humans. Even those close in appearance differ in genetics and anatomy.
Extraterrestrial reproduction.

Adrian Dvir's book presents examples of extraterrestrials that evolved from reptiles (lizards) and have a species (female and male) that reproduce by laying eggs. Dozens of species of extraterrestrials exist, utterly different from each other, so the answer refers to the common denominator. Although extraterrestrials do not have sexual reproduction, several other possibilities of sexual reproduction are created that may be relevant in the more distant future. As for sexual fantasies, these don't have to be entirely realistic.


Experimental mammalian extraterrestrials exist. (In small experimental colonies) 

Recently, I was told on the channel that experimental colonies of mammalian extraterrestrials reproduce sexually based on knowledge accumulated in humans. However, these mammals have different genetic traits from humans, who cannot produce offspring. Because of the phenomenon's scope and experimental nature, I do not treat it as a given situation. In the next millennia, reality may change and become much more complex.


Extraterrestrials are not immortal. Thus, they are required to reproduce somehow. (Options simulation) 

It is possible to produce different scenarios under different assumptions. Which makes more sense - judge for yourself.

  1. Non-sexual reproduction occurs when the extraterrestrial is hermaphrodite, male, and female at the same time. (not androgynous) that both fertilize themselves and carry the fetus up to a certain point. Most extraterrestrials are not mammals! And do not have sex.
  2. The existence of males and females, but reproduction is not carried out through sexual reproduction but through the laying and fertilization of eggs. (As with insects, reptiles and birds)
  3. Extraterrestrials require a surrogate (non-extraterrestrial), and they "kidnap" females from all universes who are perceived as "technologically retarded" and thus pass on their genetic input. However, such a scenario produces hybrids rather than extraterrestrials. This option was ruled out.
  4. Genetic upgrading by mechanized means. Think of extraterrestrials undergoing a "computer version" update. According to this version, extraterrestrials are "cyborgs" (a hybrid of live and machine production). They do not need heredity; the improvement of the race occurs as an update of their core software.

When I asked (via channeling) which options are common, I was told that all options exist except for number 3. Option number 3 was ultimately ruled out.

Although extraterrestrials do not have human emotions, love, jealousy, hatred, and revenge are energetic expressions that exist in extraterrestrials in different contexts. 


How extraterrestrials reproduce dictates many other aspects:

Link: Do extraterrestrials have moral values?

The subject of extraterrestrial behavior is fascinating and has deep meaning in human interfaces with extraterrestrials. I have compiled several vital points from Adrian Dvir's book and my channeling with extraterrestrials.

  • Extraterrestrials have no ego and pursue goals without being influenced by emotions.
  • In human beings, you can find very high variation in all aspects. Therefore, you will also find individualism, ego, a clear hierarchy, and material dependence on resources and existential means. (Money) 

The reproduction of extraterrestrials does not promote the family unit and produces very similar replicas.

  • Although many species of extraterrestrials are very different from each other, there is slight variation within the same species.
  • Extraterrestrials have moral values and justice. However, they do not have "human" feelings as we are used to. Although extraterrestrials are advanced and can understand human emotions, they do not experience them.
  • Extraterrestrials have defined roles by their specialization. They don't have an obvious hierarchy. (except at the top) It should also be emphasized that the life expectancy of extraterrestrials can reach thousands of years. (Human years)
  • Extraterrestrial societies provide the resources necessary for their members' existence. The concepts of wealth and money do not exist.

It is critical to understand how extraterrestrials interact with humans. Information on the subject is minimal.


Human reproduction through sexual intercourse is of particular interest to extraterrestrials. 

Sexual reproduction, through sexual intercourse, is unique in extraterrestrial civilizations and, therefore, also very intriguing. 

  • Some extraterrestrial species do have sex (female or male), but their reproductive methods are different and not through sexual contact, sometimes through egg fertilization.
  • Pregnancies have significant quantitative limitations, but they create a powerful bond between mother and child, and of course, males and the family unit are also of great importance. 
  • Researchers have argued in the past that sexual reproduction through sexual intercourse is very wasteful of energy and, therefore, unnecessary. At the same time, it is essential to emphasize that it also has many advantages at the family unit level, such as raising offspring and caring for the elderly and weak.

Therefore, today's conclusions from the past are not as unequivocal as they were.


Depictions of immersive sex with extraterrestrials – reality or imagination?

Although extraterrestrials do not have human emotions, love, jealousy, hatred, and revenge are energetic expressions that, therefore, also exist in extraterrestrials in a different context—in the absence of personal ego! Extraterrestrials do not envy. Link: The Unified, Bipolar, Energetic Model of Primary Emotions.

  • Sexual fantasies with extraterrestrials (exophilic) are mostly in the imagination. However, with the development of mammalian extraterrestrial species, they may become a reality.
  • Sexual reproduction is a phenomenon unique to Earth. However, attempts are also being made to develop species of mammalian extraterrestrials. The matter could get complicated. Genetically, it may not be compatible to form hybrids, but having sex may be possible!

Stories of humans living in distant galaxies with an extraterrestrial partner are possible but rare. 


Strange sex with extraterrestrials and fantasy sex with extraterrestrials (exofilia) exist online.

Link: Can humans have romantic emotions with extraterrestrials?

Most extraterrestrial species are very distant from humans, anatomically and physiologically. They don't fit at all. Some extraterrestrial species have human appearance, but their genetics, anatomy, and physiology are completely different.

  • Extraterrestrials don't have human emotions and don't have the sexual attraction that humans have.
  • Like Greek mythology, hybrid stories are based on truth but with great exaggeration. There is a possibility of a deep emotional connection between extraterrestrials and humans. Still, to the disappointment of fantasy addicts, the relationship is not sexual and cannot produce fertile offspring. 
  • The stories of hybrids are humans whom extraterrestrials have genetically engineered. 

It is essential to know that the entire human race is a hybrid race that has been serially improved by extraterrestrials using genetic engineering tools and viruses.


There is an exception that can satisfy fantasies: extraterrestrials taking human form.

  • An extraterrestrial life form of pure energy can enter a human host body. (Without kidnapping and killing the person) Such cases are described as "shape-changing" (but it's not like Arnold Schwarzenegger's films with The Terminator.) In such a situation, the extraterrestrial looks, functions, and lives as a human. Energy beings can live thousands of years and can pass between many host bodies.

In such a situation, they also function sexually, but they are usually infertile. They can produce human offspring (not energy creatures), but only through genetic engineering.


Extraterrestrials do not kidnap human women and get them pregnant with hybrids. 

Extraterrestrials have conducted many experiments on humans, most of which are unethical from the human perspective and will cease after humanity joins the extraterrestrial federation.

I believe the stories of people who claim to have been abducted by extraterrestrials. In this case, the abduction was only for experimental purposes, usually for patients who had woken up from a situation in which they should have been unconscious. In the extraterrestrials' view, these experiments were approved for them!

How did extraterrestrials upgrade the human genome?

The fact that the human genome contains between 8% and 10% of viruses underscores the enormous extent of the genetic upgrade that the human race has undergone. (The genetic gap between humans and apes is only about 4%.)


I recommend reading the stories of sex with extraterrestrials with great skepticism. However, romantic stories are rare but possible.

Continue reading: Encounters with extraterrestrials will fundamentally change humanity.

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