I offer myself as Earth's ambassador to the Intergalactic Federation.

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  4. I offer myself as Earth's ambassador to the Intergalactic Federation.
14/11/2023 2:56
I was informed that the Federation Council attaches great importance to the identity of Earth's ambassador and sees me as a suitable candidate.
I offer myself as Earth's Ambassador.

The candidate for Earth's ambassador to the Federation Council is an agreed-upon choice of a body to be established by the states of the Earth, headed by the superpowers. Still, since the Federation Council has veto power over the candidate and can propose its candidates, it has de facto power to decide the ambassador's identity.

  • In April 2024, extraterrestrials mentioned that the first documented encounter with extraterrestrials is planned for 2026 after several natural catastrophic events. The identity of Earth's ambassador in representing Earth's interests before the Federation Council in terms of advocacy is of great importance.

The potential for a historic encounter with extraterrestrials is unimaginable. Still, the risks are also considerable, mainly social, religious, and regime-loosening. A possible military response against extraterrestrials could destroy humanity. The identity of Earth's ambassador is of enormous importance.

I must emphasize that humans are scientifically and technologically inferior to extraterrestrials, but humans have emotions, morals, and values that are no less developed than those of extraterrestrials. The value of life and human suffering is a supreme human consideration, much less in extraterrestrials. 


According to the extraterrestrials, humanity is on the verge of World War III. 

Humanity is heading towards severe natural disasters and World War III! (relatively short), which will eliminate the "evil," hatred of the other, lies, manipulation, and destruction of the environment from the world.

  • The problem is that these temporary solutions will cost millions of lives and cause superhuman suffering. Only a broad consensus among the superpowers can prevent the catastrophe. Currently, there are only two superpowers: the U.S. and China. (Russia will join China.)

Give up the ego! Hold a summit immediately after the U.S. elections. All of humanity is in danger. Conflicts exist between rival extraterrestrial groups. Humanity must not get caught up in a conflict between them.


Humanity faces the danger of self-destruction.

  • Wars have been commonplace throughout human history. At any given moment, you will find wars on Earth. Wars have become increasingly destructive and have reached the critical stage where they are capable of wiping out the human race and turning the Earth into a wasteland.
  • Politicians and military personnel have learned that jealousy, hatred, and revenge are far more powerful than brotherhood and the love of others. Negative emotions have become a political weapon, cynically used to justify wars.
  • Repeated messages for years (in channeling)— Humanity will endure difficult and painful processes. Only unity, brotherhood, and mutual help will help humanity overcome the challenges to come.

If elected, I will act to prevent wars! I believe that all conflicts can be settled peacefully. Human life and human suffering are of supreme importance.


I offer myself as Earth's ambassador to the extraterrestrial intergalactic Federation. 

I have a formal education—a B.A. in economics and a master's in business administration (MBA)—and broad scientific knowledge. I also have a worldview of love for everyone! I am married to a Chinese woman who saved my life and is a bridge between East and West. I have no political affiliation. Link: About the author.

  • There are competing extraterrestrial forces in the universe that are not members of the Federation. These forces interfere with the energy balance and have significant implications for Earth. It takes a robust telepathic ability and sharp senses to distinguish who's who in this regard.

Where did the idea of offering myself as the Earth's ambassador come to mind? 

  • Surprisingly, I applied in my thoughts for the position of Ambassador of Earth (through channeling) many years ago, long before I knew there was an extraterrestrial Federation Council. As mentioned, the time dimension is not linear!

States have established expert committees to discuss the military and existential risk posed to Earth by extraterrestrials.

I must emphasize that extraterrestrial members in the Federation do not pose a military or existential threat. Extraterrestrials have been visiting Earth since the dawn of creation, and if they wanted to, they could quickly destroy us. 

  • Serious videos, not science fiction, with war scenarios against extraterrestrials exist, even on the National Geographic Channel. Generals who are interviewed as if they understand extraterrestrial issues are a significant source of risk.
  • Local incidents against extraterrestrials have been recorded in the past; extraterrestrials have been caught and imprisoned and sometimes died in rooms far from the cameras' eyes.

 The Federation Council understood that these were only local events and did not initiate a response. An anti-extraterrestrial event perceived as threatening by the Federation Council could trigger a terrible reaction from extraterrestrials.


I portray myself as a peace-seeker, though not naïve. 

Most of the world's great wars could be summed up as battles between superpowers. Everyone will give up something but get different things in return. The great wars reached a point where it was almost impossible to reach a decisive outcome, an unconditional surrender, as in World War II.

  • The arms race and the level of sophistication have risen to levels that all of humanity is in danger of extinction due to the madness of one totalitarian leader or another. There is no shortage of projects for the benefit of humanity, which everyone can benefit from. Still, today's politicians prefer to fan hatred and revenge as an electoral tool for achieving the desired position. I am not naïve, but pragmatist politicians like Henry Kissinger, who, with Mao Zedong, opened China to the West, do not exist today, which is a shame. The crisis of Russia and Ukraine and the crisis of Israel in the Middle East could be resolved together, around one table, between the superpowers, with the support of European countries.
  • The arms industry is worth about $200 billion annually out of about $2 trillion in defense spending. Humanity must divert huge resources to prevent floods and storm damage, prevent desertification, and improve food quality and nutrition.

Environmental pollution is enormously damaging to the planet, and politicians continue to deny its existence because of political lobbying. It is time for humanity to wake up to a new era and new, credible, honest leadership that sanctifies people's lives and quality of life.


The sanctity of life, equality, and freedom are my supreme values. 

Human life and suffering are of supreme value to me. Humanity faces a series of disasters that will require very difficult decisions. I believe in human goodness. If elected, I will consistently work to prevent bloodshed, both human and extraterrestrial. I believe that all disputes can be settled peacefully. 

  • Wars between ethnic groups and states have been waged since the dawn of history. The difference is that humanity has reached a state capable of self-destruction. A scenario in which an event that occurred because of a mishap or an extremist separatist group could bring about the end of humanity because an uncontrollable chain reaction would be created. The arms race didn't stop; it moved on to other tracks.

Decisions about sacrificing others are always a morally charged and complex matter.


The council stressed that it was not interested in politicians for the position of Earth's ambassador or military personnel. (I didn't ask why.)

The Extraterrestrial Federation Council requires Earth's ambassador to be honest, decent, have high moral values, and be telepathic.

I don't know how many candidates there are for Earth Ambassador or their identities, nor have I asked. I believe that the council will choose the candidate it deems most suitable. Since the council has veto power, its choice is binding.

  • I see the role of first ambassador as a mission, out of a deep understanding of extraterrestrial issues, after many years of experience channeling with extraterrestrials and after they saved my life. ( I am a former liver cirrhosis patient.) 
  • The role of the Federation Council is to make operative decisions binding on all member civilizations (Dozens of civilizations). The first Earth ambassador is crucial for Earth's future, especially in unexpected disruptions in encounters with extraterrestrials.

Humanity faces a historic event—the first encounter with extraterrestrials—in the coming years. The identity of Earth's ambassador is of enormous importance, especially in extraterrestrial advocacy.


Do scientists have an advantage over other contenders for Earth's ambassador to the extraterrestrial Federation?

Scientists in astrophysics, astrobiology, developmental biology, Journalists, UFO researchers, and other related fields are sometimes seen as experts on extraterrestrial subjects under their scientific expertise. At the same time, without written materials and reliable information, extraterrestrials remain a subject without real experts.

  • There are UFO researchers and journalists who cover cases of abductions allegedly carried out by extraterrestrials and military people who consider themselves experts on military extraterrestrial subjects. I believe the only person who could be regarded as an expert on extraterrestrials is the late Adrian Dvir. Link: Adrian Dvir is the founder of extraterrestrial civilizations science.

The Federation can choose only those who can communicate with extraterrestrials as suitable ambassadors of the Earth to the Federation Council.


Will it be necessary to establish commissions of inquiry and punish the culprits?

For decades, superpower administrations and presidents have cooperated with extraterrestrials. None of them changed their positions on the issue; they tacitly permitted experimentation on Earth's humans, flora, and fauna.

Whether it will be necessary to establish a commission of inquiry is a political issue. Still, in my opinion, there is a need to take several more important actions than punishing the guilty (who have usually already aged or died):

  1. A coordinating body, led by the superpowers, will be established to represent all the governments of the countries on Earth on extraterrestrial issues.
  2. All laboratories shared by extraterrestrials and humans will be immediately dismantled and dispersed, pending the establishment of a joint working protocol, including ethical supervision and control.
  3. I propose preventing protracted trials that will paralyze the judicial system for years and granting a sweeping amnesty to those who dealt with the issue. (Only in the extraterrestrial context)
  4. All confidential files will be handed over to the victims of the abductions or their immediate family members.
  5. Issue a public apology to the victims of the abductions. Offer all victims who feel mentally or physically vulnerable assistance at the expense of the state.
  6. Ensure that henceforth, human and animal experimentation is carried out following generally accepted ethical rules, which will be agreed upon with the Federation Council at the time the Earth joins the Federation Council.

It is essential to know that extraterrestrials have conducted experiments on humans, which are (rightly) perceived as unethical. (I don't deliberately elaborate) In my latest channels (from 2024), the Federation Council has clarified that it has stopped experimenting with genetics that combine animal and human genomes. At the same time, close supervision, monitoring, and control are required in other ethical matters, some of which are unfamiliar to science and human medicine.

I trust the Federation Council will find the most suitable candidate for the role of Earth's ambassador.

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