I propose establishing a free online central one-stop-shop encyclopedia to provide focused, reading-friendly medical information with a broad view of chronic diseases of the body, mind, and addiction-related illnesses. The problem is not a lack of medical information but quite the opposite! Since almost everyone will develop chronic diseases during their lifetime, the need for reliable medical information accessible to the public in a readable, clear, objective, up-to-date manner with a broad worldview is not in doubt. Advertising on the website will not be medicine-related to maintain objectivity.
Introduction to Central encyclopedia of all chronic diseases.
The central encyclopedia is essential for chronic diseases because, in urgent medicine, decisions are fast, leaving the patient no time to search for information.
- Chronically ill patients, when they first receive the news that they have a chronic illness, often begin their quest for information that will help them recover. Sometimes, patients are in mortal danger or have poor quality of life. For doctors, there is very little time for explanations, so begins the tedious quest, which paradoxically hardly stops! For the simple reason – medicine is not intended to bring about the patient's recovery from chronic diseases, but only to alleviate the symptoms. Even those who choose alternative medicine for self-healing are expected to have a difficult task since there are many techniques, and the choice between them is not methodological.
- Although the chronic patient receives treatment and medication, guidance is usually required with a supportive anti-inflammatory diet and a transition to a healthy lifestyle (mental and physical) that are critical to recovery. Medicine does not usually treat these. The proposed project is part of the preventive medicine worldview and is part of the module on artificial intelligence applications in medical services.
- Link: Implementing AI in healthcare is inevitable.
The breakthrough is possible thanks to artificial intelligence, which can process vast amounts of data and make it accessible to the public in simple and readable language.
Why is there a need for a central encyclopedia of chronic medical illnesses?
It is essential to emphasize that medical information is abundant. Still, it is unfocused, sometimes illegible, and mainly intended to sell medical center services; therefore, it does not present diverse conceptions of medicine and usually does not include essential methods for improving nutrition and lifestyle.
- Doctors have minimal time and usually lack sufficient nutritional knowledge. Medicine emphasizes drug treatment and does not always emphasize the need to improve lifestyle and nutrition, which are critical for recovery from chronic diseases.
- Medical information usually reflects the worldview of conventional medicine only and does not bring an integrative approach of medicine to self-healing, which is more suitable for treating chronic conditions.
- Treatment of mental illness and disorders, including addictions, reflects psychiatry's approach without understanding the causes of these conditions! Therefore, even the therapy accordingly is aimed at mitigating the symptoms only.
New studies are usually published in medical literature, which most people cannot access. In any case, the articles are almost unreadable to the general public.
Chronic patients often fear methods perceived as not belonging to conventional medicine.
- Most chronic patients, especially those in mortal danger, have an overt and covert fear of disobeying doctors! Therefore, many patients avoid incorporating techniques perceived in medicine as part of alternative medicine to self-healing. Link: Conventional vs. Self-healing Medicine — SWOT Analysis.
Legitimization through the conclusions of specialists in the Encyclopedia of Integrated Therapies will dramatically improve chronic patients' chances of recovery.
Instead of constantly searching online, patients will have one reliable and up-to-date address!
The encyclopedia will provide readily available, up-to-date, and reliable information on everything related to the disease:
- Diagnosis, causes of the disease (mind and body), symptoms, complications, conventional treatment methods, recommended nutrition, self-healing treatments, prognosis, effective drugs, including side effects, findings of recent studies. Experimental treatment methods. (Not yet approved for treatment)
- AI Updating the contents of the disease with new research findings is relatively easy in the age of artificial intelligence. Even a long, difficult-to-understand article summary may take only a few lines.
- In this information age, even doctors will keep up to date with encyclopedia websites, which will become the most reliable and up-to-date source of information in the medical world. Doctors are very busy, and I doubt how much time everyone spends reading new studies and articles!
The site's writing will be adapted to the ordinary reader, not to the doctors. The reader will be able to delve more deeply if desired.
It is especially essential to make recovery cases from similar conditions accessible and detailed.
With the help of artificial intelligence, it is possible to bring a summary and conclusions of similar cases that have been recovered, with a link to videos and information to contact.
- Information from recovered people is encouraging and inspiring and can be used as a role model. However, you have to filter through vast amounts of information, which can sometimes be challenging to read.
You'd be surprised, but there's a lot of documentation of recovery cases that aren't accessible.
Who is supposed to initiate and finance the project?
The project is based on existing technologies, and although it is enormous in scope, its costs do not exceed reasonable limits in terms of health expenditures.
- Since the big advertisers have no interest in cannibalizing medical advertising, with a leading site competing with everyone else, the initiative must be governmental. Still, funding can be private through advertising and donors.
- Medical centers will update medical information voluntarily, understanding that writing makes the medical center a leader in its field and gives it an advertising advantage.
Instead of imposing (ridiculous) fines, the Internet giants impose tasks on themselves for the benefit of the public. Of course, courageous politicians are needed for this.
Establishing an encyclopedia may seem unnecessary, but it will save taxpayers a lot of suffering. The encyclopedia can be translated into many languages and offered as a complementary service through medical insurance companies.
Summary, conclusions, and recommendations.
- I propose establishing a free online encyclopedia to provide focused, reading-friendly medical information with a broad view of chronic diseases of the body, mind, and addiction-related illnesses. Concentrating all medical information regarding chronic diseases in one central place will enable breakthroughs.
- A central encyclopedia of chronic diseases is a public service that will prevent great suffering, save lives, and save taxpayers' money.
The economic model of the encyclopedia is supposed to be accessible as a public service. At the same time, it is possible to create economic models that will prevent long-term government subsidies.