03/07/2023 3:09
The nutritional values in food and beverages are theoretical, assuming full absorption, which usually does not exist in the modern diet.

The intestinal walls of most adults in the modern, highly industrialized diet do not look like in the picture. Unbalanced intestinal flora creates an acidic intestinal environment, damaging the intestinal walls. When the contact area of the intestinal walls decreases, the absorption of nutrients also decreases significantly.
What kinds of foods are difficult to digest?
- The body identifies industrialized and processed foods and beverages, especially those containing synthetic substances, as foreign substances.
- Animal protein, especially meat and hard cheeses, is acidic to the intestines and difficult to digest.
- Smoked food.
- Extremely dry.
- Sugary drinks, including diet drinks with artificial substances.
- Uncooked food is harder to digest than the same cooked food. (The cooking process causes a loss of nutritional values but facilitates digestion.)
How can you improve the digestion of different kinds of foods?
- More fatty foods are easier to digest. (provided it is fat or natural oils)
- A diet rich in dietary fiber. (exist only in plants)
- Add emulsifiers such as lemon, vinegar, honey, avocado, mustard, olive oil, and more to the food.
- Don't eat hard-to-digest foods together. (Such as meat and potatoes)
- Fermented foods help the gut maintain balanced intestinal flora.
- Let your digestive system rest. Few relatively large meals, preferable to small meals frequently.
- Eating habits and food composition are of high importance.
It is essential to know that the routing of foods is critical for tissue regeneration and significantly impacts obesity. Food that is easily digested and easily absorbed is suitable for tissue rehabilitation. On the other hand, hard-to-digest food that is not absorbed will become much higher percentages of available energy and fat accumulation.
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Tags: Weight loss | The balanced diet