Debunking myths concerning weight loss.

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05/04/2023 9:15
Diets low in calories are challenging to implement. Diets that are not varied (missing primary macronutrients) are unsuitable for long-term weight loss.
Weight loss.

To lose weight, it is necessary to perform strenuous physical activity.

  • While strenuous exercise burns a lot of calories, it also increases appetite. Moderate but regular exercise, especially after meals, is essential for weight loss and maintaining an optimal weight. The explanation lies on two levels: lymphatic fluid needs a body movement to move and serves as a second line of defense for the immune system. During exercise, the digestive system's peristalsis improves the absorption of essential nutrients into the body.

Weight is primarily determined by heredity. Therefore, there is no point in trying too hard!

  • Heredity is a component in determining optimal weight, but contrary to popular belief, the dominant part in determining weight is dietary habits and a healthy lifestyle. (mental and physical)

All calories are the same, so I must eat less than I expend!

  • Not all calories are the same! Food composition, origin, and timing are essential for routing food and beverages between energy production, fat storage, and cell renewal. It is necessary to know that industrialized foods cause accelerated weight gain compared to natural, unprocessed foods with the same caloric values.

To lose weight, fat intake must be kept to a minimum.

  • Natural oils and fats are highly important in weight loss. Natural oils, dietary fiber, and probiotics are essential for regenerating intestinal wall tissue and lubricating the intestines. Without good nutrient absorption, the body's ability to regenerate tissue is impaired, contributing to obesity.

It is advisable to keep carbohydrates and starches to a minimum to lose weight.

  • Avoiding or consuming minimal carbohydrates and starches often results in excessive consumption of animal proteins, which are usually industrialized and processed. Proteins' breakdown products are ammonia, uric acids, urine, and urea, which are very heavy on the liver and kidneys.
  • Carbohydrates and starches are high-volume foods that fill the plate and are incredibly satisfying. It is hard to go a week without carbs. Reasonably dosed carbohydrates are an available and vital energy source for the body.

Eating foods that are difficult to digest is advisable because prolonged digestion consumes energy, thus contributing to weight loss.

  • This premise is fundamentally wrong! Prolonged digestion damages the intestinal walls and makes it difficult to absorb nutrients. Poor absorption means less ability to regenerate tissues; therefore, most food is converted into energy and contributes to weight gain!

While dieting, are sweet fruits and vegetables such as melon, banana, and carrots forbidden? 

  • Adequate consumption of sweet fruits and vegetables in reasonable dosage helps strengthen the immune system and promote weight loss. The sugar in fruits and vegetables comes with many nutrients and a low to moderate glycemic index. (Does not quickly turn into available sugar)

Does drinking lots of water help in the weight loss process?

  • The kidneys regulate blood pressure and the level of salts and electrolytes in the blood. It is essential to drink when we are thirsty to avoid dehydration. Fluids are required in all life processes; however, excess fluid is excreted in the urine and does not help weight loss.

Does very spicy food cause weight loss?

  • Spicy foods, such as garlic or hot peppers, can kill parasites and pathogenic bacteria in the digestive tract and thus partially balance the intestinal flora. This condition can improve the absorption of nutrients. At the same time, the active substances irritate the intestinal walls, and dead bacteria and pathogens secrete toxins. The idea that spicy food dissolves fat and prevents obesity is wrong.

Does taking laxatives cause weight loss? 

  • Regular bowel movements are essential in weight loss, as they contribute to balancing the intestinal flora and strengthening the immune system. Laxatives, even natural ones, such as castor oil, do not have the same effect in the long run. 


Continue reading: Why do many weight loss diets fail in the long run?

If you are interested in a "simple diet" without lifestyle changes, although required, you should consider that the result will probably be short-term.

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