Cow's milk and dairy products are inflammatory.

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  4. Cow's milk and dairy products are inflammatory.
09/01/2023 16:01
The problem with cow's milk is not the fat percentage nor the milk sugar, but mainly the excessive amount of protein, making it highly inflammatory.

Milk and dairy products are rich in protein, calcium, and iodine. They are nutritious, delicious, and common in the West and almost every country. Until a decade or two ago, they were considered a highly recommended food. In the last decade, there has been increasing evidence that milk and dairy products are particularly inflammatory and exacerbate a long list of chronic diseases. Today's well-known experts recommend moderate cow's milk and dairy product consumption. Goat milk is an excellent substitute but is not always available; it is very expensive and has an aftertaste that not everyone likes.


The average cow weighs about 600 kg, and its milk is intended to feed calves that need a protein-rich diet to develop.

The protein in cow's milk is very concentrated and often exceeds the requirements for protein.

  • Adults need about one gram of protein per kilogram of recommended weight. The modern diet is very high in proteins, especially from animals. Digestion of animal proteins is relatively slow and very acidic to the intestines. Acidic intestines encourage the proliferation of pathogens and considerably weaken the immune system.
  • Therefore, many experts recommend goat's milk, which is less rich in protein and more similar to mother's milk. Sheep's milk, which is particularly oily and tasty, is also better than cow's milk. It is essential to know that the animal's nutrition is critical to the quality of the milk.
  • A cow that eats its natural food produces high-quality milk; the same applies to goats, sheep, and other animals. The problem is that most milk is produced in industrialized barns, and the nutrition given to cows is designed to maximize output. Therefore, it is advisable to reduce the consumption of milk and dairy products from cows and switch to milk, especially goat yogurt, which is double or more the price of cow yogurt.

Buffalo milk is even richer than cow's milk and is equally inflammatory.


Milk and dairy products are pastured, which kills harmful bacteria but also destroys the probiotics and enzymes that make milk easier to digest.

  • During the heating process, the proteins undergo a chemical process, which leaves them in a liquid state but makes them more difficult to digest. Most cows receive nutrition, including artificial supplements, designed to increase milk yield. Thus, milk and dairy products also become even more inflammatory.

I recommend milk with a higher fat content for anyone who drinks and consumes milk and cheese. The digestive system must be lubricated, especially in acidic and hard-to-digest foods. Milk does not need additives, making it an even more industrialized product.


Goat milk is the closest milk to breast milk.

Since ancient times, babies have been fed with goat's milk.

  • Goat milk is comparable in composition to breast milk and has a unique aftertaste. (Not everyone likes) The goat's milk yield is very low compared to cows (a goat also weighs a tenth of the weight of an average cow), and its breeding conditions make its milk much more expensive. (about double)
  • Sheep's milk is especially tasty; it is better than cow's milk, inferior to goat's milk on a health level, and is about as expensive as goat's milk. (Depends on the location)

Milk and dairy products from goats and sheep should be preferred over cattle products, preferably in moderation.


Continue reading: The balanced-varied diet is the most suitable anti-inflammatory diet.

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