The criteria to be included in self-healing beneficial treatments.

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  3. The criteria to be included in self-healing beneficial treatments.
My broad suggested definition of Self-Healing Functional Natural Medicine. Currently, there is no definition for Self-healing medicine.
Guiding principles.

Self-healing Functional medicine eliminates the causes of the disease rather than its symptoms.

My broad suggested definition of Self-Healing Functional Natural Medicine: (Natural therapies are often synonymous with self-healing functional medicine.)

"All types of methodologies, techniques of non-invasive medicine (using mainly herbal drugs and natural supplements) for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases of the body and mind, which can bring about a significant improvement (without considerable side effects) in the overall health of the patient on the long run."


What guiding principles enable treatments to be included with self-healing functional natural therapies?

  1. Treatments that eliminate the causes of the disease rather than its symptoms. While presenting the mechanism of action by which the method operates. (Including the placebo effect)
  2. Non-invasive techniques, without pharmaceutical drugs, use herbal remedies for limited periods.
  3. Significant symptoms improve for extended periods while enhancing objective indicators such as blood tests, urine, imaging, etc., without considerable side effects.
  4. Therapies that comply with the general principles of Self-healing Functional Natural Medicine.


Self-healing functional medicine - General principles. (Complaint with self-healing functional medicine) :

The unconventional perception of the human body as an energetic entity. (Recovery from chronic diseases often requires body, mind & spirit.)

  • There are only two logical approaches to medicine, with a few techniques in between.
    • Conventional modern medicine.
    • Self-healing functional medicine. 
  • The Holistic approach of self-healing functional medicine.
    • A single organ or system cannot be cured independently of the rest of the body. The entire body's immune system must recover as well.
  • They are constantly maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Drugs cannot replace an unhealthy lifestyle. 
  • The location of the diseases and their severity is not accidental.

Are there other beneficial natural self-healing treatments for those listed on the website?

  • I have described the treatments I have performed successfully and, without success, a wide range of therapies that treat the body, mind, and spirit. At the same time, other treatments may meet these criteria. You will often find that they are sub-categories of other familiar treatments.


Unlike conventional medicine, most natural self-healing treatments are not exclusive but part of a comprehensive treatment.


Frequently asked questions and answers:
Are there other self-healing techniques not listed?
There are additional techniques, some of which are only intended for diagnosis. In the natural therapies chapter, I covered most of the standard methods for self-healing.
Is there a definition of what self-healing functional medicine is?
My broad suggested definition of Self-Healing Functional Natural Medicine: "All types of methodologies, techniques of non-invasive medicine, (using mainly herbal medicine and natural supplements) for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases of the body, and mind, which can bring about a significant improvement in the overall health of the patient on the long run."
Why didn't I include placebo-based treatments as part of the self-healing method?
The mechanism of action of placebo-based treatments has inherent disadvantages. At the same time, I mentioned my personal experience with homeopathy and Bach flowers.
Are there many dozens of treatments that you did not count? What about them?
There are about 100 different treatments that are associated with alternative medicine: some concern the diagnosis, the rest mainly for treatment and healing. I have sorted all types of treatments into separate categories. I presented in detail the standard and effective therapies in all categories.
Why can not a single therapy, however successful it may be, be attributed to the properties of a panacea?
As someone who has tried for years in the West and China, I tried almost every available treatment possible; Although I attribute some of the remedies to excellent efficacy; the combination is a winner! The human body is complex and requires simultaneous care of body, mind, and spirit.
Western medicine does not emphasize the mental-energetic dimension, which is critical for recovery from chronic diseases and addictions.
Through 16 years of terrible suffering, I learned that it is impossible to heal only the body alone! I had to go through a whole journey through my body and spirit to recover. I sacrificed my previous life to survive. Without removing the traumas in my previous life, I would not have been able to recover physically.
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The criteria for therapies to be included in Self-healing Medicine.
1. Why is there a need for criteria for the therapies included in self-healing medicine?
Alternative medicine is not regulated and usually does not require licensing. There are over 100 different diagnostic and treatment techniques in alternative medicine, some of which have no rational explanation of the mechanism of action.
See my suggested, most suitable answer »
A more detailed explanation:
1. The most suitable answer is answer number 1.
My broad suggested definition of Self-Healing Functional Natural Medicine: "All types of methodologies, techniques of non-invasive medicine (using mainly herbal drugs and natural supplements) for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases of the body and mind, which can bring about a significant improvement (without considerable side effects) in the overall health of the patient on the long run."
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