The innovative theories I present are primarily based on the dual conception of the human body as a physical entity (materials) and an energetic entity.

The dual view of nature as energy and matter simultaneously exists in physics but has not yet penetrated the world of medicine. The dual perspective of the human body, as an energetic and material entity, enormously impacts all aspects of life. Changing perception is only a question of time.
Posts from the forum "Extraterrestrial civilizations, Innovative theories and technologies."
11/12/2022 4:37
Hiccups are widespread in children, fetuses in the womb, and much less so in adults. The phenomenon of hiccups exists only in mammals and is a phenome...
06/11/2022 4:50
The accepted explanation for yawns, which also exist in fetuses and the animal world, is that yawning is intended to cool the brain.
It was initial...
06/11/2022 4:48
The literature's accepted explanation of blinking functions is that they lubricate and protect the eye, a particularly delicate and sensitive organ. T...
06/11/2022 4:45
There is no solid explanation for the origin of viruses. Natural selection does not apply to viruses! Theories exist, but none are rational! The fact ...
22/10/2022 4:54
I propose to see curiosity as an energetic phenomenon embedded in every living being at different levels. The laws of conservation of energy and entro...
30/08/2022 10:48
The perception of emotions, personality, behavior, and intuition as a flow of energy will significantly change the behavioral sciences perspective.
08/01/2022 3:34
Although the idea that solar flare cycles (every 11 years) affect viral diseases is not new, the energy conservation theory and model I propose regard...
05/11/2021 16:00
There can be no separate explanation for each sexual identity and orientation; there must be a unifying model because that is how nature works.
20/05/2021 22:49
The portion of food dedicated to tissue regeneration varies depending on the body's requirements and diet quality and quantity. The rest is converted ...
07/12/2020 23:36
Treating emotions as energy flow significantly changes how we view them. Love, Envy, Hate, and Revenge are needed in a competitive world.
If you lo...