Channeling with extraterrestrials is a fascinating subject; you will not find textbooks or methodical materials because the principles they are based on are not yet known in modern physics.
In the method I communicate, without special preparation and ceremony or written documentation, I sometimes wonder if this is information I am receiving or information I am "inventing" from my mind. Therefore, I usually have to verify the critical information I receive with Ms. Sigalit Levy (via channeling), a highly skilled and reliable communicator. I was told numerous times not to doubt the information I received.
Since I am permanently connected to the extraterrestrial hive's PBX, I receive vast information on various scientific topics. I am constantly thinking about topics I have no prior knowledge of.
According to the explanation I received, the information is adapted to my knowledge and learning skills. Because I am curious, imaginative, and without prejudice, extraterrestrials transmit much information at a level I can analyze and understand. The thoughts float in my head, sometimes just like that, even at night.
General questions and answers on communication with extraterrestrials through channeling:
I have compiled several key questions and answers on channeling with extraterrestrials. Since this is a complex and unfamiliar topic, it is reasonable, and there are many questions that I have not answered.
Did extraterrestrials ask me for consent to perform the microchip implants?
In the first brain implant implanted in me (almost 25 years ago), extraterrestrials did not ask for my consent. Regarding the three late implants, I gave my permission in advance.
In what language is the communication with extraterrestrials conducted?
In my case, the channel was conducted in my native language, Hebrew. Languages have sounds and frequencies, and extraterrestrials learn to interpret the different languages. It is possible to communicate in all languages, having been learned by extraterrestrials.
Are the messages I receive complete and easy to understand?
The messages sometimes deal with very complex topics but are especially suited to my understanding. They are presented very simply without going into non-essential details. (Unless I ask) Sometimes, the messages get messy because of my English translations, and extraterrestrials ask me to correct the text. (not the content)
Is there a danger that aliens are making deliberate, cynical use of me and others like me to take over humanity?
The question, of course, came to my mind and was also asked. Beyond the fact that extraterrestrials saved me from death, which can also be part of a conspiracy, I don't see any logic that extraterrestrials who have been visiting Earth since the dawn of creation and engaged in genetic enhancement of the human race would look for ways to harm humanity.
How do I know the messages are credible?
Extraterrestrials have often noted events that belong to the future, which cannot be statistically predictable.
How do extraterrestrials choose whom to implant communication chips with?
According to the explanation, candidates are selected based on personality (integrity, fairness, values), abilities, and knowledge.
Do others also communicate with extraterrestrials? Did they also have brain chips implanted?
Other people can communicate with extraterrestrials. Most of them had communication chips implanted in their brains. However, the chips are not identical and are adapted to the person's knowledge and abilities.
Does channeling work like a phone call?
The messages in the channel are instantaneous, similar to a phone call. The subconscious mind controls the process. There are no sounds in the process. Also, there are no pictures of extraterrestrials (intentionally), but there are other images.
Are there questions in the channel that have not been answered?
Sometimes, there are questions that extraterrestrials don't want to answer. I am not at the appropriate level of security clearance to answer the question. I must emphasize that I have never encountered lies!
Do extraterrestrials answer questions on a personal level through channeling?
I also used extraterrestrials a lot on a personal level, especially in light of the very complex situations I was in while I was in poor health.
Is it possible to ask extraterrestrials for the numbers that will come up in the upcoming lottery?
I don't make such requests, nor would I get an answer. At the same time, if I were to act in the financial markets about anticipated crises, I would be able to derive considerable economic profit from the predictive capabilities that extraterrestrials have. (I've never done that)
What form of communication do extraterrestrials use?
Communication with extraterrestrials is based on telepathy waves. The phenomenon is also known in modern physics under quantum entanglement. At the same time, the explanation of extraterrestrials differs and concerns the transition between dimensions.
Do extraterrestrials communicate on radio waves?
Extraterrestrials can decode radio transmissions but do not use radio waves that travel at the speed of light because they are too slow.
Continue reading: How is the channeling with extraterrestrials carried? (Copy & Paste)
How is my channeling with extraterrestrials carried?
11/01/2021 6:27
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