Discussion: Why does a load of traumatic memories sometimes erupt from the subconscious mind in the form of illnesses or addictions?

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  3. Chronic liver disease, including cirrhosis.

Why does a load of traumatic memories sometimes erupt from the subconscious mind in the form of illnesses or addictions?

Patients with liver diseases, especially relatively young patients, must pay special attention to the mental-energetic dimension. The liver is an organ susceptible to bitterness, anger, and disappointment.

The subconscious Mind is a digital safe. If traumas are too complex to store or the subconscious Mind's peripheral protection is loosened, things break out and harm the Body through its energy meridian network. (Not the nervous system) Energetic blockages originate in the subconscious and are a critical cause of chronic diseases! Autoimmune diseases, cancer (among young people), addictions, stuttering, and even mental illness result from traumatic events to which we usually do not attach particular importance.

Link: The Subconscious is the bridge that connects the Mind to the Body, making it Spiritual.
https://www.sf-healing.com/page/139 (Copy & Paste)
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