I hope to convince readers that modern conventional medicine cannot cure autoimmune diseases; it only makes most patients dependent on medication. Self-healing natural medicine eliminates the causes of the disease rather than its symptoms! Thus, self-healing is the best choice to recover from chronic acquired disease. Doctors are often unfamiliar with the self-healing functional medicine method and generally adhere to harmful drug therapy.
The final decision is always entirely the patient's responsibility. Spouses, close family, and friends' love and support are critical for recovery. The medical establishment today has a more profound understanding that the disease's causes must be addressed. However, if you choose methods that are not part of conventional medicine, you will ask many skeptical questions. Understanding the essence of Self-healing functional medicine vs. conventional modern medicine is essential.
Conventional Modern Medicine vs. Self-Healing (Alternative-Functional) Medicine SWOT analysis.
https://www.sf-healing.com/page/116 (Copy & Paste)
https://www.sf-healing.com/page/228 (Copy & Paste)
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The next post: I have advanced MS. I went to see a specialist who laughed at me when I asked about detoxification. I really wonder what to do?
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