Your family's concerns are understandable and correct, but the expectation of being like everyone else is probably unrealistic. Whether the surgery creates an irreversible condition requires consultation with experts in that field. Likely, returning to the original sex you were born with is not easy to perform. At the same time, it isn't very likely that you will ever feel comfortable and complete with your female biological identity. The energetic entity is much stronger than the physical entity, which causes conflict in the first place. Mental assistance and guidance from people who have experienced your situation or support groups may help you make the right decisions. Successfully.
Link: The Unified Energetic Model of Sexual Identities and Orientations. (Alixin's theory) (Copy & Paste)
The next post: I'm a 13 year old boy and I feel like a woman in every way! Is there a possibility that things will change later? Am I a transgender?
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