To understand the explanation, it is advisable to read the principles of the model in the link at the bottom of the page.
The human body can sense and analyze the most suitable gender and person (with their sexual orientation) to optimize the energetic transaction in the long term. Sexual intercourse is, in that sense, an exchange of energy! For it to succeed in the long run, it has to be a win-win situation.
Sexual intercourse postures attempt to find the best position to connect energetically to your partner. It does not contradict the physical satisfaction each position enables. You can find closer proximity to the opposite pole of the sexual partner in many positions.
The missionary position (usually between heterosexuals) is not a coincidence. It allows both females and males to charge energy simultaneously. Therefore, it is energetic and very efficient. Since most people's inner magnetic poles are not precisely located in identical palaces, sexual intercourse positions are an exciting way to explore the most suitable position to charge the life-force energy.
The Unified Energetic Model of Sexual Identities and Orientations. (Alixin's theory) (Copy & Paste)
The next post: As a child, I saw my father beat my mother and rape her cruelly. Since then, until today, I can not get close to men. Am I asexual?
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