Discussion: I do not know the details of your case, so I will try to give you several possible courses of action for alcohol detox:

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I do not know the details of your case, so I will try to give you several possible courses of action for alcohol detox:

The first step is to deepen and understand what addiction is. The perception I present of addictions in general and alcoholism, in particular, is a perception that alcoholism is not just a question of addiction to various chemicals. Therefore, alcoholism cannot be treated with medication.

I encourage you, your family, and your friends to understand the difficulty the patient is experiencing. I recommend carefully printing and reading the article and the many questions and answers displayed in the site's relevant forum. The first step in convincing an alcoholic that he is addicted and needs help is critical. Addicts are often in the denial phase. (I recommend you read the Kubler-Ross model on the site)

Alcoholics need support, love, and dedicated care throughout the withdrawal period. Alone, it is almost impossible to succeed. It is a challenging, exhausting process, and besides, many alcoholics already have a damaged liver that causes low energy and a flawed immune system.

It is essential to know that addiction and the liver's cumulative damage can be recovered entirely, but this lengthy process ends in exceptional individual and group empowerment.
The addiction treatment phase is critical. There is little point in treating an injured liver while drinking alcoholic beverages.

The first stages of rehab are severe, both physically and mentally. Maintaining a strict diet and as calm a lifestyle as possible is advisable. Immediate assistance is needed to emphasize the patient's concern and love in detoxification.
Detoxification requires removing traumatic memories from the subconscious mind, preferably with hypnosis (by a certified hypnotist only). The task of selecting the hypnotist and the support group is critical. These tasks cannot be assigned to the patient himself. Looking for a suitable support group is highly advisable when the facilitator is empathetic and can motivate and support.

I wish you all the best and success with your mission.

Yours sincerely,
Harel Samuel

Link: Alcoholic Beverages Addiction Withdrawal Methodology.
https://www.sf-healing.com/page/196 (Copy & Paste)

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