Discussion: Main variables that determine the regeneration rate. (Many of them are correlated.)

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Main variables that determine the regeneration rate. (Many of them are correlated.)

Main variables that determine the regeneration rate. (Many of them are correlated.)

Proper nutrition dramatically impacts the body's ability to regenerate damaged tissue.

Natural squeezed juice helps the Liver produce more bile fluid.
The normal flow of bile is of great importance to the immune system. Natural squeezed juices contain many essential nutrients such as antioxidants, minerals and electrolytes, enzymes, and essential vitamins. Regular drinking of juices does not require digestion and ensures that the body has no shortage of essential nutrients; the absorption of fluids is infinitely better than all supplements. In turning food intake into "suitable" compounds for tissue regeneration and long-term maintenance, they are no longer "counted as calories."

Proper functions of the Liver, kidneys, pancreas, and endocrine system.
Liver, Gallbladder, and kidneys flush. (Mechanical detoxification)

Sex hormones. (Estrogen & Testosterone.)
Testosterone (male hormone) boosts short-term energy. (This is probably due to men's evolutionary demand for strength). High testosterone levels produce faster muscle building but slower internal regeneration (supposedly, women outlive men).

Night sleep, physical activity, controlled solar baths, and Qi life-force energy.
A consistently good night's sleep is vital for regeneration because the Liver is active during waking hours with other things, so most massive regeneration occurs during sleep. Regular physical activity is essential because our body's lymph fluid is transported through the body's movement. Exercise has a positive effect on mood. Higher Qi life energy is equated with better regeneration. Younger people usually have higher Qi than older people. Thus, they regenerate tissue much faster. People who look younger than their age typically have higher Qi, restoring them more quickly. People in love look better than before, precisely for the same reason − they have higher Qi. Controlled solar baths help the natural production of vitamin D; they also increase the male sex hormone testosterone levels in men (without side effects in women) and charge life-force energy.

Rejuvenation and prolonged life expectancy.
https://www.sf-healing.com/page/118 (Copy & Paste)

The balanced-varied diet is the most suitable anti-inflammatory diet.
https://www.sf-healing.com/page/170 (Copy & Paste)

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