This traditional Chinese recipe is very suitable for all types of flu and, in fact, for any inflammatory disease.
Rinse a generous amount of ginger root, cut it into thin strips, add one tablespoon of salt, and boil the ginger in a large pot with a large amount of water. (Preferably in a pressure cooker) After boiling, the water has an orange-brown color. The boiling water should be poured into a large bucket; the water can be filtered, optional. You can leave a small amount to use for drinking. (Without the salt)
Application: Be careful! Great care is required when handling boiling water.
When the water is still boiling, put your feet on the edge of the bucket without contacting the boiling water. Put a large, dry towel on your feet. At this point, you absorb only the ginger vapor. When the water cools down to the level where you can dip your feet, soak your feet for about 20 minutes; when you are done, dry your feet thoroughly. Ginger root has powerful antioxidants absorbed through the skin and transmitted immediately through the bloodstream.
Link: TCM: Cupping, Scraping, Ginger Therapy, and Medicinal Leeches. (Copy & Paste)
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