For men with erectile dysfunction, knowing that the condition is reversible is essential. If you maintain a healthy lifestyle, the erection will return to normal!
It is important to emphasize that the disease does not harm the sexual fantasies of men with the disease; there is no point in fighting the fantasies through suppressing sexual arousal (this does not work) but through recovering from the illness.
Men with a permanent spouse should tell the truth and explain the situation. Support is vital in the recovery process.
1 Avoiding a binding relationship is understandable, but perpetuating an undesirable traumatic situation.
2. An excellent spousal relationship can significantly help a man recover. A deep emotional connection with a woman will allow the spouse to support and assist in healing, assuming no woman will be interested in what is fundamentally wrong. A good married relationship will make a recovery much quicker and easier. Love plays a significant role in the recovery process.
3 Some men have erectile dysfunction that makes it difficult to put on a condom, so it is advisable to have non-ejaculating sex inside a vagina.
4 Sexual discharge in prostitutes (including with a condom) is a poor recipe for recovery; some are the carriers of many pathogens.
5 Anal sex is not recommended - mainly due to hygiene problems.
Recovery from Chronic Prostatitis and Epididymitis, by Self-Healing Medicine. (Copy & Paste)
Improving sexual function In chronic patients and the disabled. (Copy & Paste)
The next post: Chronic Prostatitis and Epididymitis — Diagnostic tools.
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