Discussion: Because the liver has no sensation of pain, the liver may be in a state of very poor functioning, whereas chronic liver patients are often unaware of their condition. (As happened in my case)

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Because the liver has no sensation of pain, the liver may be in a state of very poor functioning, whereas chronic liver patients are often unaware of their condition. (As happened in my case)

Patients with chronic liver disease (like me) have no alert mechanism without pain sensation! So surprisingly, one fine day, the body breaks down without notice! Unlike most other organs.

"Physical pain - is a short or continuous alarm sensation caused by temporary or permanent cell damage (above a certain threshold) in tissue with sensory nerves (nociceptors)." Pain is a part of the self-defense mechanism.

Link: Chronic Liver Diseases and Cirrhosis.
https://www.sf-healing.com/page/121 (Copy & Paste)

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