It is worth emphasizing that the treatment given to COPD patients is only symptomatic and cannot improve their recovery! In the short term, there is often no choice. When the patient suffers, the medications relieve the symptoms but damage the immune system over time. Treatment using the self-healing method is challenging and requires perseverance, but it can rehabilitate the immune and respiratory systems so that no medication will be needed.
There are many COPD patients, including children, who have never smoked. The sight of my father (who has never smoked) struggling for every breath always accompanies me. For addicted smokers, I offer an entirely different methodology of the nature of addiction and the energy reward mechanism as a condition for successful smoking cessation.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, including Smoking Cessation Methodology. (Copy & Paste)
Medications for chronic patients can only suppress the symptoms. (Copy & Paste)
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