Discussion: Hiccup is a reflex in mammals aimed at resetting subconscious communication.

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Hiccup is a reflex in mammals aimed at resetting subconscious communication.

The subconscious mind constantly communicates with the senses, environment, and universe. Sometimes, a communication malfunction occurs that requires rebooting.

The explanation for the hiccup sounds simple and correct: Involuntary contraction of the diaphragm causes air to move through the vocal cords. However, explaining why the hiccup exists and for what purpose is difficult. Studies have revealed that unique patterns of brain waves accompany hiccups, which only reinforces my argument that it is an action performed to reset subconscious communication.

The fact that hiccups are characteristic of babies, children, and even fetuses reinforces the hypothesis that they are actions activated by the subconscious mind as a survival mechanism. Adults can survive better and need less subconscious.

Link: A hiccup is a reflex that resets subconscious communication.
Link: https://www.sf-healing.com/blog/post/210 (Copy & Paste)

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