Discussion: I offer myself as Earth's ambassador to the Intergalactic Federation.

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I offer myself as Earth's ambassador to the Intergalactic Federation.

I was informed that the Federation Council attaches great importance to the identity of Earth's ambassador and sees me as a suitable candidate.

On April 2024, extraterrestrials mentioned that the first documented encounter with extraterrestrials will occur in 2026 after several natural catastrophic events. The identity of Earth's ambassador in representing Earth's interests before the Federation Council in terms of advocacy is of great importance.

The candidate for Earth ambassador to the Federation Council is an agreed choice of a body to be established by the states of the Earth, headed by the superpowers. Still, since the Federation Council has veto power over the candidate and the ability to propose its candidates, it has de facto power to decide the identity of the ambassador.

The potential for a historic encounter with extraterrestrials is unimaginable. Still, the risks are also considerable, mainly social, religious, and regime-loosening. A possible military response against extraterrestrials could destroy humanity. The identity of the ambassador is of enormous importance.

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